Is Fungus Eliminator a Scam? – What You Should Know


Does Fungus Eliminator really have the “secret” to curing your toenail fungus? Or is this just another scam that is going to get your hopes up for nothing? With all the scammy supplements out there you can never be too sure, which is why I decided to do my own research and write this review. In this … Read more

VICKS Vapor Rub for Toenail Fungus – Myth or Miracle Cure?


Is VICKS VapoRub for toenail fungus effective? There our a lot of home remedies out there for curing toenail fungus, but a lot of them simply do not work. You have apple cider vinegar, Epsom salt baths, all the essential oils, etc. VICKS Vaper Rub, which is really called the trademark name of VICKS VapoRub, is one … Read more

Is Funginix a Scam or a Treatment That Finally Works? – Review

Funginix it said to be “the trusted topical nail fungus treatment” and the single best combination of antifungal agents, essential oils and extracts for fighting fungus… But is it really? There are so many antifungal products on the market that are over-hyped and are basically complete ripoffs, like Fungus Destroyer and Ultra Fungus Fix for example, so I … Read more

Can Manuka Honey Cure Fungus? – A Natural Nail Fungus Cure or Just Hype?

Can manuka honey cure fungus? Could this be the natural treatment that you have been looking for or is this just going to be another product that isn’t going to produce the desired results? Manuka honey is becoming more and more popular lately and is being used for a variety of different treatments. This is expected with … Read more

Apple Cider Vinegar for Toenail Fungus – Can It Really Cure It?

Apple cider vinegar is said to have many health benefits, but have you ever heard of taking apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus? Is it really as simple as this to get rid of that nasty fungal infection that has been plaguing your toes? Does this stuff really works and should you be using it? Natural treatments, like that … Read more

Emuaid Max for Nail Fungus – Does This Stuff Actually Work?


Emuaid Max is a popular topical treatment for a number of different skin issues… But is it effective for nail fungus? Should you be applying Emuaid Max for nail fungus? As an antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, Emuaid Max is used to treat a number of different skin issues ranging from athlete’s foot, to acne, to warts, cold sores, and … Read more

Is Fungus Terminator System a Scam? – Yes It Is In My Opinion

The Fungus Terminator System it is supposedly some incredible new antifungal system that can eliminate toenail fungus in less than a week… No matter how bad the fungal infection is. But is it really as good as you are told? Or is Fungus Terminator System a scam that is just going to be a waste of your … Read more

Is Fungus Key Pro a Scam? – What You Should Definitely Know

Fungus Key Pro it is said to be some incredible new natural formula for treating toenail fungus that is based on ancient Asian remedies. But is it really? I mean seriously… How effective can these natural remedies be? Is Fungus Key Pro a scam just like the many other toenail fungus treatment scams out there? Truth … Read more