Vision 20 is an eye health supplement that sounds amazing, but also sounds too good to be true.
Is Vision 20 a scam supplement you should avoid? Well, I’m not recommending it and you will see why.
It seems that most of the reviews out there are just promoting it like crazy, so I think reading mine will be a breath of fresh air. In this I’ll be going over some of the ridiculous information you are told, whether or not the ingredients will actually help and more.
Vision 20 Review
- Product: Vision 20
- Type: Eye-health supplement
- Cost: Varies, from $33 – $49 per bottle (depending on purchase quantity)
- Recommended?: Not really
Vision 20 is an eye-health supplement created by Dr Ryan Shelton at Zenith Labs. After my review I found that it does have some potential to help, but it isn’t something I’m going to be telling people to go out and buy. The marketing behind it is too much for my liking and I also think it is a bit too costly.
To start off this review, let’s go over the ridiculous sales pitch, which is probably what made you think this might be a scam in the first place…
The Ridiculous Sales Pitch
What I came across is the video presentation shown below, but I’m sure there are probably multiple variations and I know there is a written text version as well. No matter what sales page you landed on, I’m sure it was ridiculous and made Vision 20 sound too good to be true.
It seems like the sales pitches always start out with some sad story. The story here was about a lady named Diane who lost her ability to drive, read, and lost her independence–she got lost at night while driving and had to ask for directions, which embarrassed her because she didn’t seem very capable.
We are told that an “invisible blue radiation is attacking every man and woman in America over the age of 45”, which is misleading.
What they are talking about here is blue light, which does damage our eyes. But its affecting everyone, not just older people. And, it’s not like this is some new occurrence. The most blue light we get comes from the sun, and even if you lived 1000 years ago you would have the same blue light problem from it. That said, it is true that we are ‘overexposed’ to some extent nowadays due to all the electronic devices we look at.
Typical Fear Mongering..
The sales pitch here is your pretty typically scammy fear mongering type–where they try to scare you into buying their product.
In the video presentation I watched the spokesman stated very firmly that declining eyesight “will make your family think that they have to take care of you”, “it will rob you of respect at work”, “it will trap you at home” and so on…It’s true that bad eyesight can lead to all of this, but they take this sales pitch a bit too far and try to make it seem like it is an absolute fact that all of this will happen.
Of Course It’s Some Hidden Natural Remedy..
Just like many of the other scammy supplements I expose on my website here, the secret to saving your health all comes from some flower that you might have growing in your yard right now–which will protect you against blue radiation.
The flower?
As the sales pitch goes–Marigold contains 2 very special nutrients called Lutein and Zeaxanthin.
A Little Background On The Company Behind This Product
So… Vision 20 is a product by Zenith Labs, who has a medical director named Dr Ryan Shelton, who you probably heard of if you read or watched the sales pitch.I am actually familiar with this company and Dr Ryan because I have reviewed products in the past that are made by it, such as Blood Sugar Premier and Hearing X3–which by the way were marketed in very similar scammy ways and neither did I end up recommending to my readers.
The company and Dr Ryan Shelton are well known for hyping up products to seem like they will work miracles when they really are nothing all that special, which is exactly what they are doing with Vision 20.
Also, Zenith Labs is a very small company that I don’t really trust all that much. Not just because of the ridiculous marketing tactics they use to sucker people into buying their products, but also because the company address they give us doesn’t really make sense.
On the website ( they state that their address is:
4610 Prime Parkway
McHenry, IL, 60050, USA
… however, when I search this address in Google the only company I can find located here is called Corporate Disk Company, which is a company that does printing, CD/DVD duplication/replication and things like this.
So I don’t really know what’s going on here.
*If someone is reading this that works for Zenith Labs could you please clear the air on this?
Ingredients – Will They Really Work?
Here is the label from a Vision 20 bottle…
The main ingredients are Zeaxanthin and Lutein. But we are told that they are only absorbed if also taken with zinc, and of course you need the exact right type of zinc–and they act like this supplement is the only one on earth that has it. Furthermore, they tell us that we need the EXACT right ratio of these ingredients and that it is “almost impossible” to figure it out on our own–which is why we need to buy Vision 20 of course!
Will Zeaxanthin & Lutein Help?
One of the ways mentioned that these two carotenoids help your eyes is by protecting your lens, absorbing ROS toxins that could potentially damage them. This is true. These carotenoids are what make up the macular pigment in our eyes and are thought to protect against a number of eye diseases. They are known to have light filtration properties that protect our eyes by keeping damaging blue light from going too deep into our retinas, and they also have been shown to have local antioxidant activity, protecting against oxidative damage (source: 2017 study published in Molecules).
As stated on Healthline, these two compounds basically work as a natural sunblock. They are not all hype and really do have a fair amount of scientific studies backing their importance.
Other Ingredients
Bilberry extract is another ingredient here that is really hyped up. In the sales pitch we are told that British Air Force pilots ate them and their night vision improved because of it, allowing them to shoot down Nazi planes with better accuracy. While this story hasn’t really been proven with solid evidence, there is some hope for this ingredient. There is definitely a lack of scientific backing as for its ability to improve your eyesight, but at the very least it is a good source of antioxidants and should help protect against oxidative damage. Furthermore, it has been shown to help with dry eyes and a 2015 study from the Journal of Nutrition, Health, & Aging found that it helps with eye fatigue as well.
As far as Rose Hip goes, there doesn’t seem to be all that much evidence backing it’s ability to improve eye health, but a lot of articles that I have found online do suggest it does help.
There are also other ingredients like Beta-carotene, Lycopene, and vitamin C–but these are very easily found in normal foods and most people are likely already getting enough in their diets.
An Over-hyped Product That Could Work
It seems like what we have here is another product that is way over-hyped, but could actually work–or at least help.
I am not a fan at all of the marketing around this product. Much of it is extremely misleading and they try to scare us into buying it, but based on the ingredients alone it’s not all that bad.
Conclusion – Worth Trying or Not?
I’m not going to say you shouldn’t buy it, and if you want to you can buy Vision 20 on the official website here, but I’m not going to be actively recommending it either.
In my opinion, yes it could help with eyesight, but it is too over-hyped and because of this it is over-priced. I think there are better alternatives out there.
What you could do is simply look for products with the same ingredients on Amazon, which there are plenty of.
Anyways… I hope you enjoyed this review and found it helpful. Be sure to leave any comments or questions below and I’ll get back to you soon 🙂
Thanks Kyle.
There is a chewable lozenge called “see Clearly” that you can buy at vitamin shoppe for $22. It has the same ingredients and it isn’t made with animal gelatin.. I haven’t found any vitamin that corrects physical eye defects like presbyopia (maybe QiGong eye exercises helps but I haven’t tried them), astigmatism, or cataracts.
is vitamin shoppe the only place you can get them
Thank you for this review.
Glad to help! You’re very welcome.
I found this article very informative and unbiased. Today with so many advertisements unless you do your homework , can be very confusing. I try to research the company and where the product is made. Everyone it seems wants your money and to overcharge customers should send a warning.
Health products can consume your life doing research but will it help / or does your body defense systems work better by providing good nutrients and exercise
I truly believe good foods and wine keeps the demons at rest
not only do they consume your life but also your money
thanks kyle for this good information. keep up the good work. theres always corrupted doctors out there . they want to scare people to buy their products. my e-mail is keep me updated and informed on the latest scams
How does Vision 20 compare with Areds 2 ?
What do you say about VISICLEAR?
Thanks. I was about to try this Vision 20. Through your review of this product, however,
I made up my mind not to buy it and follow your advice to "simply look for products with
the same ingredients…"
So what is out there that you would recommend for eye health?
Have you personally tried it? I cannot rely on any opinion based purely on assumptions.
I am taking Bausch+Lome PrserVison per my eye Doctor's recommendation. Is the PreserVison better than the vision 20?
Thank you for your honest review. When I see these lengthy pitches it usually raises my BS meter. It seems like so many of them are cut from the same cloth. The pricing at the bottom is always 1 of $49, 3 of $39 and 6 of $33, but, they are in short supply so order now. When it seems "to good to be true" it usually is.
IT S VERYHELFULL T O HAVE THIS REVIEW. I WAS CONSIDERINH BUYING THIS PRODUCT . but after perusing your information am very put off doing so. especially as you can find no real address for this company.. i would not feel safe using this product.
thank you.
Thank you for the info on vision 20 it is over priced
Thanks for this review.
The marketing hype is clearly an indicator of scam or potential scam. Can someone tell these companies that most people are on to this? If any product advert is accompanied by pages and pages of "testimonials" you endlessly scroll through and a lengthy video that never gets to the point RUN!
This product seems to be very similar to the bausch and laumb product Areds 2, which had been proven to help with macular degeneration. That product can also be found with the same ingredients at BJ's brand Vision Health Complex for even lower price (Berkley Jensen).
Thank you for your review. There are maybe hundreds of products that use this same type of hype, and I just automatically assume all of them are less than what they're hyped to be. Who wants to read paragraph after paragraph of what could be lies? Not me. I do have an eye product of Vision 20….I would not change, but will, no doubt, have some serious eye conditions as I continue to age (am 82 now) unless God wants me with him. Again, thanks for the review
No thank you for this. I have learned now to look for review on product. A lot is all hype to get you to buy their product and its not cheap. So thank you and keep it up
Finding no address for the Company was a good enough reason for me not to buy it !!
thanks kyle for looking into things
Thank you for all your time and research.
A well written review, in my opinion.
Again, thank you ?
Jef Hern
Thankful for your unbiased review. Appreciate legitimate reviewers like you.
Thanks Kyle. Refreshing to see honest evaluation. Too many “Miracle remedies”
Discovered out of desperate situation. – natural of course, but must scour the earth and put exotic ingredients together in exact proportions. And you must hurry and order bc in short supply or big pharma is trying to shut the product down. I have MD and my doc recommends Preservision areds 2 formula. After 1-1undefined2 years it does not cure the problem but it has stopped progression.
Thank you for breaking everything down for us. When in our daily life it is difficult if not impossible to examine everything we run into on the internet
What is the best reliable vision improving supplement available?
Hi Kyle, is there an actual eye supplement that you could recommend I try for improving my eye health? I find most products I search for are all advertised using the same tactics as Vision 20.
So u agree product may help but don't quote u on it…
they have posted two different formulations…..are there two or is one outdated. the current ad does not list vitamin A but includes other things not listed here in the ad you posted above.
Asking Zenith if Vision 20 is FDA approved since you did notmentionit or them?
These companies need to expose they hyped and scare people into buying at stupid High Prices !! it's all about making money , people need to do research before buying snake oil products !!! Thanks for you research !!!!!
Trying to find a "real" eye (helping) product. Interesting report, so what do you recommend as a "better" alternative Kyle? ( I see another asked a similar question, but you did not respond )
Excellent and straightforward review, and I have basically come to the same conclusion. I do believe that it helps a bit but over-priced and definitely over-hyped.
What is the best eye product you recommend
Hi, thanks for all your information ,I guess I’m always looking for anything that might help my dry eyes ,really have terrible problems with them n been to many doctors n they try meds after meds n recommended a very expensive eye drops by prescription n truthfully I couldn’t afford it so they just say keep trying over the counter eye jels or drops not helping n these doctors were all specialists so when I see ads like this I try to check them out so I do appreciate your response,I’ll keep on checking.
Thanks for your article. Yes, there is an overabundance of Snake Oil products and we suck it up just like they did in the old pioneer days.
Don't waste your money. I tried it for 3 months and no difference. They spend a lot of money on marketing which is probably why they do sell. Just another company that delivered nothing.