Ultra Omega Burn it is said to be a miracle supplement when it comes to losing weight, but is it really? Can all the hype surrounding this supplement be justified or is this just a big waste of money. Or could it even be possible that Ultra Omega Burn is a scam?
If you look up Ultra Omega Burn reviews online you will find tons of results. You'll find many people claiming that this is the greatest weight loss supplement to ever exist and you will find others claiming that there are better alternatives. However, which should you trust?
It seems that many of the people writing positive reviews are just doing so to promote the product and make money while those writing negative reviews are just doing so to promote some alternative supplement in order to make money. Because of this, it can be very difficult knowing what to believe.
I hope I can change all of this. In this review, I will not be promoting any alternative product, nor will I be promoting Ultra Omega Burn itself. The goal here is to leave as unbiased of a review as possible and really provide helpful information regarding this particular supplement.
Throughout this review I'll be talking about what exactly Ultra Omega Burn is, the sales pitch that is somewhat misleading, whether or not the "special" ingredient is really all that special, potential side effects, what real users are saying, why you might not want to trust this supplement and more.
If you are thinking about possibly purchasing this you are definitely going to want to read over my review first.
Ultra Omega Burn Review
Name: Ultra Omega Burn
Type: Weight loss supplement
Price: $49.95 for 1 month supply
Recommended?: No, and for good reason (explained in review).

What Is Ultra Omega Burn?
Ultra Omega Burn (or UOB as I will refer to it as occasionally) is a weight loss supplement that includes one ingredient. This "special" ingredient is called palmitoleic fatty acid, a.k.a. omega 7, and supposedly Ultra Omega Burn is the "purest and most potent" form of palmitoleic acid available on the market. But of course these are their words, not mine.
What this supplement supposedly does is helps your body's fat cells open up so that they can release their contents and allow their stored fat to be used as energy, thus allow you to burn more fat and lose weight, in addition to providing steady energy levels.
This special ingredient also is said to help people lose weight by acting as an appetite suppressant, keeping you feeling full for longer.
And besides weight loss, UOB is also said to have many other positive effects on your health, such as increasing skin health and improving digestion.
While there is a lot of good to be said about UOB, this is not a supplement that I'm going to be recommending. The reason is because it is marketed in a shady and somewhat deceptive way, the company behind it is not all that trustworthy as far as I see, and there really isn't much active ingredient in this supplement… Not to mention that the price is pretty high.
The Sales Pitch
There are probably multiple promotional videos out there for UOB. I know there are a lot of reviews talking about this "Derek Evans" character who supposedly is the one who invented this supplement, but the promotional video I came across did not mention this guy.
But anyways… It doesn't really matter… All of the promotional material pretty much tells you the same sort of thing.
The video presentation that I came across started out talking about how Japan's population has a very low obesity rate of only 3.2%, compared to America's 36.5% obesity rate. And… According to the spokesperson this is all because of one nutrient that "our soil" is void of, unlike Japan's soil.
According to the sales pitch, in the US in the 1970s, some big agricultural company created a herbicide that destroyed this nutrient in our soil, but of course the a "prefer not to name" this company.
The spokesman says that the company behind this whole disaster is trying to keep information like this from leaking out, and you are very lucky to have landed on the video presentation… Which will likely get shut down. However, this is likely a bunch of baloney and I have heard ridiculous sales pitch is like this 100 times before. It reminds me a lot of the "big bad Pharma" sales pitch that has been used to promote other scam health products such as Herpes Blitz Protocol and Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol, which I have reviewed on my site here.
But anyways… The guy claims that losing weight has nothing to do with calories or any of the other things you have been told by the weight loss industry. Instead, it comes down to fat cells'ability to communicate with each other and send messages on when to "open up".
And the "secret" ingredient Palmitoleic acid, or Omega 7, supposedly increases our fat cells' ability to communicate with each other which will thus lead to more fat being released for energy consumption and increased weight loss.
Questionable, Misleading, and False Information:
As you are probably aware if you came across a similar sales pitch, much of the information provided is either questionable, misleading, and/or false. There is some truth thrown in there, but let's talk about the "fluff"…
#1 - Weigh-loss Has Nothing To Do With Calories
One of the most ridiculous things that you are told is that losing weight has nothing to do with calories… Which is a bunch of BS.
I don't care how good your cellular communication is and how much of this Omega 7 you consume, if you are taking into many calories you are not going to lose weight. In order to lose weight you have to be at a caloric deficit, meaning that you are taking in less calories than you are burning.
This is a very simple role to follow and if you do not follow it then you will not "shed" the pounds.
#2 - Weight-loss Conspiracy
You are also told that there is some sort of "weight-loss conspiracy" going on in which cheap sources, poor extraction methods, etc. are being used when it comes to weight loss supplements. While this may be true to some extent, the purpose of the spokesperson talking about this is to scare you into thinking that Ultra Omega Burn is your only good option.
The goal is to get you to think that any other Omega 7 supplement out there is going to be sub-par and will only be a waste of your money and/or could be potentially harmful to your body.
#3 - Most Pure and Potent Palmitoleic Acid Available
You are told that UOB contains the most pure and most potent palmitoleic acid available, but I see no proof of this being true. There is no information provided on the extraction process used, where this oil is sourced from, how it is stored, etc.
You are told how every part of the manufacturing process is very important to keep in the integrity of the oil intact, but there were no details provided on what goes on behind the scenes making the UOB supplement.
So how are we supposed to trust that this is the most pure and potent form available? The answer is we cannot trust such a statement.
#4 - "Derek Evans"
As I mentioned earlier, the promotional material I came across made no mention of this "Derek Evans" character, but after reading some other reviews I found that many people are claiming that this guy is supposedly the man behind it all.
That said, there are also some other reviews out there proving that this guy is a completely made up character. Derek Evans is a fictitious character that was made up just for the purposes of promoting Ultra Omega Burn.... The guy doesn't exist.
I see this type of thing quite a bit, for example with the Red Tea Detox (a very scammy weight loss product).
Is This "Special" Ingredient Really That Great?
Throughout the video presentation there are several different studies mentioned that make palmitoleic acid sound incredible, but is this ingredient really that special? He mentions one study that was featured on the Dr. Oz show in which two mice were fed the same exact diet, but one also supplemented with palmitoleic acid... The result was that the one that had supplement this special ingredient remained then while the other became morbidly obese.
Sounds awesome, but is there more to the story?
The truth is that palmitoleic acid, or Omega 7, is a pretty incredible fatty acid. And yes, it has been found to improve cellular communication (at least partly by reducing inflammation), increase hormones that make you feel full, and boost collagen production which leads to healthier looking skin and hair.
That said, some of the claims that are mentioned in the presentation are over exaggerated and somewhat misleading.
Through my own research I found many studies to support the claims made in the promotional material… Such as one good study that took a large sample of people and found that it can decrease inflammation and aid in weight-loss. I also found information that you can read on WebMD about Sea Buckthorn, which has a high amount of Omega 7, and is commonly used for skin health and skin condition treatment.
The problem isn't that palmitoleic acid is ineffective or doesn't work, but rather that Ultra Omega Burn just doesn't contain enough of it. It contains 250 mg per serving and according to some sources I have come across, this just isn't enough.
Potential Side Effects
One of the good things here is that there are no harmful side effects to worry about. I mean, you should always consult with your doctor before taking a supplement like this, but all in all this is a very safe health supplement… As long as you can trust what it says on the bottle.
What Real Users Are Saying
One thing I always like to do when reviewing a supplement like this is to look for reviews from real users… Real people that have actually tried the product and have experience. Unfortunately, these can be difficult to come across. As I mentioned in the beginning, most of the reviews out there that you find are written just to promote products and make money and cannot be trusted fully.
Luckily I was able to find some real reviews however, which I found on Amazon. Yes... You can buy Ultra Omega Burn on Amazon and this is a great way to find real independent reviews left by customers.
As expected, the overall rating is not all that great. Overall, at the time of me writing this review, it has a rating of 3.6/5 stars, which isn't that great but I guess it is in all that bad either.

However, I will say that some of the positive reviews on here seem to be a bit strange and I suspect that some of them may be fake… Which would lead to a better overall rating than this product should actually have.
A "Shady" Manufacturer
Remember when I talked about the side effects above and I said that there shouldn't be any side effects to worry about as long as you can trust what is on the bottle? Ya, well I don't know how much can actually trust this place. The manufacturer behind this supplement is shady from my point of view.
The name of the company behind Ultra Omega Burn is listed as Nutra Active Pte Ltd, which there really isn't much information on.
The official website for this company can be found at nutraactive.com, but there still isn't much to be said when you land on the site. It is the most basic site ever in could have easily been thrown together in a day's time. The website features an About Us section that includes a couple paragraphs about how they sell health products and Ultra Omega Burn is their best-selling product (and only product), and then there is a section dedicated specifically to Ultra Omega Burn, but that is it.
There is such a lack of information about this company that it is definitely worrying.
Furthermore, after doing a little deeper into this company I found that there is some suspicious activity mentioned on the Better Business Bureau's website, or on BBB.org, specifically that mail sent to the listed address has been returned due to there being "no receptacle".
So this brings up the question… What type of legitimate business would have no mailing address? Is the address listed the real address? There is definitely something strange going on here and I don't like the looks of it.

Other than what I found on the official website and the limited information I found from the Better Business Bureau, there was not much else out there… And nothing else worth mentioning.
This company is pretty much a ghost. The only other information worth mentioning is that the official website, which is that is nutraactive.com, has been around since 2015. I performed a WHOIS search to find out this information, because of course none of this is mentioned on the website itself.
Can You Really Trust This Supplement?
The sales pitch puts a lot of emphasis on how you need to get good quality Omega 7 acid… You don't just want to go out there and by any old Omega 7 on the market. And this is good advice… But can you really trust what you get when you buy Ultra Omega Burn?
Is this really the purest and most potent form of Omega 7 on the market? I see no reason to believe that it is and highly doubt this is the case. Based on what I have seen there is not much of a reason to trust this supplement.
Is It Worth Buying?
So is UOB worth buying? Well… Let's recap a bit of what I have one over throughout this review.
- There is misleading promotional material
- It is manufactured by a shady company
- There is not much Omega 7 per serving
- It is pretty darn expensive (I guess I didn't mention this yet)
Pretty much everything I see about this supplement is negative, other than the fact that Omega 7 is one heck of a ingredient.
The bottom line is that there are much better alternatives out there on the market… Alternative Omega 7 supplements that are produced by much more reputable companies and that contain more Omega 7 per serving at a lesser price… Which pretty much make them better deals all around.
Now as I said, I'm not going to be promoting any specific products here because I want to leave this review as unbiased as possible, but what I suggest doing is simply going to Amazon.com and searching for Omega 7 supplements. You will find a lot of them with much better reviews than UOB.
Conclusion - Scam?
Ultra Omega Burn seems to be another very over-hyped weight loss supplement that simply is not worth the price. Will it work? Maybe… I mean the "special" ingredient that it contains does have a lot of science to back it up, but there are definitely better alternatives that include a more adequate dose of this ingredient.
You can purchase UOB if you want to, after all it is your money… But this is definitely not something I'm going to be recommending. Not only do I think there are much better alternatives out there, but I also have no respect for the way they market this product… Luring people in using deception and trickery.
But anyways… I hope you enjoyed my review and found it helpful. Please share this post to help spread the truth and let others know that this supplement is not the miracle that is claimed to be. Also, leave any comments or questions down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can 🙂
I want to thank you for your review on this you are the only one I found that gave a direct review. I did buy one bottle but before I purchased their 3 for $99 I wanted to know a little more about the product. And based on your review I’m going to see what if anything this one bottle does. I was interested not for weight loss but the energy (I have Cfs) and the helping of the skin. While reading everything in their website they made it sound like they were they only way you could get this product because of how it’s made and suppose to be stored everywhere else was not worth buying. But in your review you say they don’t even have that much omega 7 in it and there is better out there. So I would like to know if you could recommend something to me that would help with my energy and elasticity of the skin? I would very much appreciate your input on this matter. And I thank you in advance for any information you could give me.
Great and thorough review. It felt like a scam when I listened to the video promotion of U O Burn.
The reviews that superceded yours on a google search were all sounding like more promo and may be put out there by the Co. as supposedly unbiased reviews. I scrolled down and was so happy to find your review which I think is very fair but also explains some big red flags as to why one mightbe unwise to purchase this product. Thanks again for an excellent review!!
Thank you Kyle! This was very informative and I feel unbiased! Great research!!
Thank you Kyle for a great review of this product. It was really difficult to find anything independent on this scam product. Nearly all these scam products follow the same website format – a video that doesn’t show you the length and an endless page of content repeating the same information over and over again. I was sent an email about this product from The Truth About Cancer (Ty Bollinger). When I received his email I couldn’t believe he was promoting a tablet for weight loss; it seemed counter to everything his group has been working towards. But I thought I would just read the info to see if was really the case. After 30 seconds I was suspicious! I wanted to see who this Derek Evans was and the only thinning that came up were endless website pages that were either created specifically to promote this product or they were set up by Omega Burn to make you think you’re on an independent site. I wrote an email to Bollinger about my finding and sent him all the scam sites and he never replied. Hmmm??
I would like to thank you for a very honest and truthful review. I am very interested in a very good omega 7 supplement that is worth the benefits and a trustworthy company. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I respect and trust your opinion a lot. Thank you again for your honest and unbiased opinion.
Hi Jonathan. You are welcome. I’m glad you found it helpful!
I appreciate your review. Only one that I found that was not promoting the product, with their own link to it; or degrading it and promoting some other product in lieu of it. Your review made me think … but only after I had purchased 6 bottles. What made me first wonder about the product was when I opened the package there was no invoice and no instructions on how to take the supplements. Nor was there any name on the outside of the package, except the words “Shipping Dept”. Not what I was used to in regards to other supplements I’d ordered. Just did not seem professional. So that is when I decided to look for reviews and came across yours. Then I checked their website (since I had just seen the promo video, where I made the purchase). And, like you said, it certainly was not professionally done … even in regards to the font they chose. So, all that said, and after reading this review and others as well, I decided to ask for a refund. I called the toll free number on the bottle, got an immediate answer and asked the person for a refund. He took my information,and told me he would process an immediate refund, saying it would take about 5-7 business days, and gave me the address to return the product. (Must say I was skeptical and decided to not mail the product till the refund came.) I was surprised when I checked my email this morning (the very next day, on Mar 14 2019) and found a notice from PayPal that a refund had been received from this vendor. So, to their credit, I appreciate their promptness and their standing behind their 365-day refund warranty. But in light of what is pointed out here in this review … and my own gut feeling … I would not feel comfortable taking this product.
I am trying this product starting today. My daughter used it for a bit, but not all of it. She seemed to lose a few pounds but was not that overweight to begin with, so I am going to use it to (hopefully) lose these lingering pounds that won’t seem to budge! I will keep you posted on my results!
Thanks Kyle for your honesty and all your research in giving an unbiased review! I’ll definitely be looking for your reviews again!
Hi Kyle,
Thank you for this great review of UOB…..you have cut through the hype and displayed it as it as I suspect it is……..all talk and little substance…..in essence a waste of time abd money. Well written!
Thank you!
Used stuff for 11/2 months or so. Gave it a chance. Didn’t work for me. Actually got a response from someone who told me send the unused bottles in Florida. Stain on Florida!
I wish I had come across your review. I just received my 3 bottles at a cost of $119.95. I’m going to call the co. in 1 week and see what their policy is for a full refund. Thanks for the heads up.
Wow… Thank you *SO* MUCH for taking the time to do the research for these things… You saved me from making (yet another) bad purchase of a "miracle pill" that promised many things but delivered very little ?
I very much appreciate what you do, and the unbiased way in which you do it ? ?
_PLEASE_ continue providing this service for us!!! The internet can be helpful (i.e., your straightforward, informative website!), but more often than not it is a bottomless cesspool of misinformation and scam artists ready to take your money and disappear again into the World Wide Web; Only to appear somewhere else, peddling god-knows-what to unsuspecting consumers…
Truth matters now more than ever before.
Please continue what you do, and may the good you do come back tenfold to you and your family!! ?
Take care,
I am happy to get an unbiased review of a product. I would like to see recommendations for 5 star weight loss products, even though I know by the laws of physics that the ultimate formula for weight loss is to take in less calories than one uses in a day. Many people cannot accept this and are looking for the magic formula that does not exist.
I hav just ordered 3 bottles of of liquid that you drop on any dark mark on your face or anywhere else that has dark sports and it will get rid of the dark sports slowly, but surely. The cost was $87.00. The person behind this calls himself Coach Tim. Do you know andthing about these drops and if they work or is this another scam. I have a bad brown spot on my chin and I have tried everything I could think of and nothing has helped. If you can answer quickly, I will be able to cancel the order if need be. It starts off showing pieces of apple stuck on a ladies face. It's through Biotrust. Thank you so very much for your
knowledge about this particulier item. Ms. Betty Messick – 87 years old.
Thank you for your review.