Keto Hack is promoted as an easy way to get into the state of ketosis without all the hard work, which can help you lose weight, stay focused, provide you with steady energy and is said to have a number of other health benefits.
But is this supplement really as good as they say? Or is Keto Hack a scam supplement you would be better of avoiding?
In this review I'll be going over all you need to know including the ingredients it has and whether or not they will work, side effects, complaints, pros v cons, and more.
But first I want to make clear that this review is for the Keto Hack supplement by Nutrition Hacks. The reason I say this is because there are more than one supplement called "Keto Hack", such as this one pictured here...

Many of them are pretty scammy and sold by completely unreputable companies. The 'Keto Hack' that I'm reviewing here is one of the better ones, although you will see that I still definitely have some complaints.
What Is Keto Hack?

- Name: Keto Hack
- Product Type: Ketosis supplement
- Manufacturer: Nutrition Hacks
- Price: Varies depending on quantity bought
- Recommended?: Not really
- Where to Buy: Click Here
Keto Hack is a ketosis inducing supplement manufactured by Nutrition Hacks, which also makes Memory Hack and Fungus Hack (other products I've reviewed).
It provides a supply of BHB ketones so that you can simply put yourself into ketosis by supplementing these and don't have to worry about going on a stressful and long low-carb diet.
Ketosis Explained: Ketosis is a state that the body enters when there are not enough carbohydrates to use as energy and it must start burning fats, which causes the liver to produce ketones.
Burning fat as energy and being in ketosis is said to have many health benefits and people who have maintained this state say it is preferable due to the long amounts of steady energy provided.
BUT, getting into ketosis through good old fashion diet and exercise isn't very easy. It can take weeks of strict dieting to achieve the blood ketone levels necessary to officially be in the range of ketosis... which is why there are ketosis inducing supplements like Keto Hack here.
Claims Made
Some of the claims made about Keto Hack include that it can provide rapid results and kickstart ketosis by increasing ketones in the body, optimize performance so that you can get better workouts and have higher energy levels, and it is said to sharpen brain function.
While all of these claims are likely true for ketosis to some extent, it is important to know that there haven't been any studies proving these for Keto Hack in particular.
Below is the full label to Keto Hack...

And here is a closeup of the ingredients...

One of the claims is that Keto Hack contains a "unique blend of BHB and minerals to maintain constant ketosis".
However, I don't really see anything "unique" about this blend. I have looked at plenty of other keto supplements on the market and there isn't anything special here.
But of course they don't list the amounts of each ingredient... so I suppose the doses could be what makes this blend "unique" if this is indeed true.
The Keto Blend contains a 800mg mixture of the following...
Calcium BHB, Magnesium BHB, & Sodium BHB - These are all what you call "ketone salts", because they consist of a ketone (BHB) bound to a salt (calcium, magnesium and sodium).
There are also what you call 'ketone esters', but these are not as commonly included in supplements and are more expensive... although they do likely work better as I'll go over shortly.
Ingesting ketones elevates the ketone levels in the blood stream and inhibits the burning of carbohydrates for energy, which is exactly what you want to happen... so that fat is burned instead.
MCT Powder - MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglyceride, meaning this is a powder form of fats you will find naturally in things like coconut oil.
The idea behind including this ingredient is that MCTs can easily be converted into ketones by the body, and can help you stay in a keto state for longer periods of time.
Calcium Citrate - Calcium is a mineral that is important for strong bones, muscle contractions, is necessary for a lot of enzyme activity going on and more. Keto dieters often supplement calcium because the idea is that circulating ketone bodies make your blood more acidic, which causes the body to draw calcium from the bones to counter the effects.
Will These Ingredients Work?
To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed here. This supplement definitely has some potential but there are some downsides and complaints I have when it comes to the ingredients included here.
Limited Evidence - As discussed in a recent post about keto pills I wrote, the big concern with these ketone salts comes from them being an alien-like substance for the body. The body does not produce anything like them naturally and because of this they might not be used that efficiently.
There have been little studies performed on them to-date, most have been performed on 'ketone esters' which the body does produce, but I was able to find at least one study that found they likely decrease athletic performance in some cases... contrary to how they are often marketed (source: Medical News Today).
Can they lead to a state of ketosis where you have a steady surplus of energy and a clear mind? Some people swear they do... but there just isn't enough science backing up the claims yet.
Including MCTs Doesn't Make Much Sense - While MCTs can be beneficial, it doesn't seem they will be in this case.
As mentioned, MCTs can easily be converted into ketones by the body... BUT... this is when the body is going into ketosis naturally from being starved of carbohydrates.
Most people taking Keto Hack probably aren't going to be doing strict low-carb dieting to get into ketosis naturally, which is the whole point of taking this supplement in the first place. So this would mean that MCTs would be worthless from this point of view since most supplementers will still be consuming carbs and the body won't be producing its own ketones anyhow.
Amounts Unknown - All of these ingredients are listed as a "Keto Blend" that is 800mg per serving. But unfortunately we have no idea how much of each ingredient there is, and I really dislike this kind of thing.
We want the amounts of the BHB ingredients to be as high as possible, but there is no way for us to know this. Maybe the calcium citrate accounts for much of the 800mg blend, which would be a big waste of money.
That said, assuming that much of the blend consists of BHB, this would be right around what the 'standard' is for keto supplements.
However, it seems that a lot of studies that have shown BHB supplements can induce ketosis have used much higher dosages. For example, a 2017 study that concluded "exogenous ketone drinks are a practical, efficacious way to achieve ketosis" used daily doses of 12 - 24g of BHB ketones... a heck of a lot more than this and pretty much every other keto supplement.
Side Effects
As you can imagine, due to the fact that ketone salts are not produced by the body naturally, there are more reported side effects from people taking them.
These include things like nausea, diarrhea, stomach aches, etc. No very serious side effects have been reported however.
Just as the benefits of ketone salts are largely understudied, so are their side effects. There is still a lot of unknown here.
MCT oil is generally consumed without any problem, but some people experience an upset digestive system while taking this too. That said, the amount included in this supplement is likely very small and there is little chance it will give you any problems.
Overall the side effects don't seem to be anything to worry about.
The cost varies depending on the quantity that you purchase. You can choose to purchase either 1 bottle, 3 bottles, or 6 bottles (each bottle lasts for 1 month) and the prices are as follows:
- 1 bottle for $49.95
- 3 bottles for $117.95 (about $39/bottle)
- 6 bottles for $174.95 (about $29/bottle)
And this is all with a discount as you can see here...

... but who knows if this discount is real or not. It could be that these are never sold at the 'full price' and it's all just a little marketing stunt.
The 6 bottle deal is obviously the best. You are getting each bottle for about $29 vs the $49 you would pay for just 1 bottle. That seems like a great deal, but it makes you wonder if they really need the price to be $49 per bottle in the first place.
Overpriced maybe?
Money Back Guarantee
It's nice to see that they do have a 90 day money back guarantee in place... or at least that is what they tell us.

Lack of Evidence - I don't like how any of the keto supplements are marketed. It seems that just about all of them are over-hyped and marketed with loosely proven claims.
Yes, ketone esters are pretty well proven... but the ketone salts that this supplement contains aren't the same thing.
Lack of Transparency - No dosages are provided... I just don't like when companies do this. I would rather see some transparency.
That said, I get why they do it... they don't want other companies copying their products.
Company Location - One thing you may want to be aware of is that the company is registered in the Barbados, which definitely doesn't mean there is anything suspicious going on, but it does raise some concerns.

There are some good signs however, such as how they have live phone support and provide an email address to get in contact with them.
*You can also get in contact with them via their Facebook page.
Seems Overpriced - To me the price seems like it could easily be lower. I get it that most places will offer a discount when you purchase higher quantities... but a $20 discount per bottle!!!?? If they are able to do this then the price is too high in the first place.
Pros v Cons
- Some science backing their effectiveness
- Could make entering ketosis as easy as swallowing a pill
- Lots of benefits from ketosis
- 90 day money back guarantee
- More trusted than a lot of other keto supplements
- Some misleading claims
- Unproven to some extent
- Lack of scientific evidence on the effectiveness of ketone salts
- Costs a good bit
- We don't know ingredient amounts.
Is Keto Hack a Scam?
I don't consider Keto Hack a scam at all. If you were to consider this product a scam then you would have to consider half of the supplement market a scam.
While much of the said benefits aren't proven all that well, it still has potential and is actually a lot better than many of the other much more scammy keto supplements I've reviewed in the past.
Conclusion - Worth a Try or Not?
Due to the lack of evidence backing these types of supplements I'm not going to be recommending Keto Hack.
However, you are more than welcome to give it a try and can order Keto Hack on the official website here.
If you are going to buy a ketone salt supplement like this, which consists of most keto supplements on the market, then this is one of the better and more trustworthy ones I've come across, although I still do have some complaints as mentioned.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this review and found it helpful. Please leave any comments or questions below and I'll get back to you soon 🙂