Does Fungus Eliminator really have the "secret" to curing your toenail fungus? Or is this just another scam that is going to get your hopes up for nothing?
With all the scammy supplements out there you can never be too sure, which is why I decided to do my own research and write this review.
In this review I'll be going over what exactly Fungus Eliminator is, some of the lies we are told about it, whether or not the ingredients will actually work, concerns and more.
What Is Fungus Eliminator?
- Name: Fungus Eliminator
- Type: Anti-fungal supplement
- Manufacturer: Pure Health
- Price: Varies depending on quantity bought
- Recommended?: Not really
- Where to Buy: Click here

Fungus Eliminator is an antifungal supplement by Pure Health for fighting toenail fungus, which is a bigger problem than most people probably realize.
This supplement takes a different approach than most to getting rid of this problem, which I like. However, overall there are some downsides and I will not be recommending this to my readers, for good reason.
But before we get into all of that, let's take a look at the sales pitch and some of the lies and misleading information we are told...
The Sales Pitch
There are 2 different versions of the sales pitch that I came across, but there might be more floating around the internet that I don't know about.
There is the video version about how a "Toenail Fungus Discovery Is Leaving Doctors Speechless"...

... and then there is the written text copy, which is the same thing just in text format...

Starts Off With The Typical Near-Death Experience
Like most over-the-top and scammy sounding sales pitches for health supplements, this one starts off with a near-death experience--where the spokesman's wife had a heart attack which all stemmed from her bad case of toenail fungus.
And of course his "miracle antifungal breakthrough" was what cured her and saved here live.

Fear Mongering... As Expected
Right on que... You are told that problems like this are more common than you think and that even a small case of toenail fungus can be life-threatening.

And while this isn't a lie... it is misleading and is worded in a way to make us fear for our lives... and of course buy into the supplement that is being promoted.
A Far-Away "Secret Remedy"
And as always... the remedy is some "secret" that comes from a far-away land and has been used for ages...

And it can work in JUST 12 DAYS... with NO SIDE EFFECTS... so we are told anyhow.
As the story goes... farmers in Bangladesh who spend hours each day walking through the marshland in bare feet should be covered in toenail fungus, but they aren't thanks to a "secret" mixture of ingredients that they consume.
"Joseph Owens" Is Likely a Fake
There is a good chance that the entire story about "Joseph Owens" and his wife almost dying is completely made-up.
What I do know for certain is that the images shown of him are fake, and I'll prove it to you.
Here is the one image from the written sales copy...

And after doing a quick reverse Google image search I was able to find that this is actually a stock photo available on Shutterstock...

And the same goes for the image of Joseph shown in the video presentation.

Above is what we are shown, and below is what I found after doing another reverse Google image search... another stock photo available for anyone to purchase...

*I know that second photo isn't exactly identical, but it is of the same person, whom there are lots of stock photos of online.
Lots of Red Flags
The entire sales pitch is over-the-top, the backstory might be completely made-up along with this "Joseph Owens" character... not looking good right off the bat.
They tell us that the pharmaceutical companies know this real cure to Fungus but want to keep it a secret so that they can continue to sell their overpriced products... and while I don't trust the big pharmaceutical companies all that much, what I trust EVEN LESS is misleading promotions like this.
But anyways... let's take a look at the actual supplement here. Let's look at the ingredients and see if they can actually help.

Probiotic Blend
Probiotics are something you see promoted quite a bit from alternative medicine sites when it comes to fighting toenail fungus and a variety of other problems.
There are many different kinds of probiotics, as you can see included in this blend, and they are bacteria that is considered "good" and beneficial in our guts.
While the connection that probiotics have with fungal infections is very understudied, one likely way in which they work is by overpowering the bad bacteria that help feed fungal infections... and by strengthening the immune system.
The big selling point that Pure Health really pushes is how probiotics can help strengthen your immune system, which then gives you body a better chance of fighting off fungal infections.
This has been found to be true in some studies, such as a 2018 study published in the journal Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology that found probiotics to be "safe and effective for fighting the common cold and influenza-like respiratory infections by boosting the immune system".
Boosting the immune system can, in theory, help fight off any sort of infection.
The Downside - The big downside is that there is nothing included in this supplement that is going to neutralize your stomach acid to help the probiotics reach your GI tract unharmed, which is a major problem.
The reason probiotics are often sold mixed in with yogurt is because of this exact reason... the yogurt helps neutralize the stomach acid.
According to Science Daily, probiotic numbers are "dramatically diminished by the stomach's acidity", which is less that a pH of 3.
It's also worth mentioning that this supplement only contains 250 mg of probiotics, which isn't all that much.
Turmeric is called the "special ingredient" in the sales pitch.
One of turmeric's most notable properties is its ability to reduce inflammation. It is a pretty well known powerful anti-inflammatory, largely due to a compound it contains called curcumin.
Inflammation is a natural immune response, and is a good thing, but often times is prolonged and gets out of control, and this is when it gets "bad".
On WebMD I also found that studies suggest curcumin changes the responses our immune systems have, such as by blocking arthritis causing enzymes.
The Downside - This supplement contains 450 mg of 'turmeric'... the problem with this is that there is no indication this turmeric is an extract in concentrated form.
From the sounds if it this is just regular old turmeric that you can purchase at the grocery store for cooking.
A good turmeric supplement will be concentrated to about 95% curcuminoids... which is what you want.
Bioperine's purpose here is to increase the absorption of turmeric, which is not easily absorbed by the body naturally... which is the reason you often see turmeric with bioperine in supplements.
There is a lot of evidence that bioperine (which is peperine) can do this, however the information they present to us is misleading.
In the sales pitch we are told it can increase turmeric's absorption by 2,000%...!!...

And while I am familiar with the study that shows this being true... it is just one study and others have not even come close to replicating the results.
That said, bioperine definitely is a good ingredient that helps.
The cost per bottle varies... the more you buy the bigger discount you get, as expected.
If you just buy one bottle it is $67, but they also have a 3 and 6 bottle deal for discounts as you can see here...

They state that they offer a 365 day money-back guarantee where you can get a full refund if you don't see results...

However, after reading their return policy it seems that it might be harder to get a refund than it appears at first.
You will have to call in to get a RMA# and for the return address. Now I'm definitely not saying that it is going to be difficult for certain, but why not just provide the return address and is a RMA# really necessary?
This seems like just an extra unnecessary step to drag out and complicate the return process.
And I also find it hard to believe that they can offer such a return policy with the ingredients included here and the likelihood of them not working that great.
The biggest concern I have when it comes to a supplement like this and the misleading way in which it is promoted is whether or not you can trust the company.
The quality of the ingredients can make all the difference in the world and if you buy cheap supplements from an untrustworthy company you might be getting poor quality ingredients.
The company behind Fungus Eliminator is PureHealth Research and their address is listed as:
5501 Merchants View Square
#804 Haymarket, VA 20169
I was not able to find any company listing with the BBB and, all-in-all, not much information on this company at all.
If you go to you can read about them on their "about us" page, but they basically just say everything that a potential customer wants to hear... that all the ingredients are scientifically tested and are included in the right amounts, that they only use the "purest" natural ingredients that come with a certificate of analysis, etc.
I don't see anything alarming, yet I don't really see anything that proves this to be the top-notch trustworthy company they claim to be.
Pros v Cons
- Natural ingredients
- No harsh side effects
- Misleading promotions
- Small company lacks credibility
- Pricey
- Probiotics will likely be killed by stomach acid
Is Fungus Eliminator a Scam?
I wouldn't call this a scam, but I can understand why some people might be calling it such.
As far as I see, what we have here is another over-hyped supplement that isn't going to be nearly as good as it is promoted as being... similar to Fungus Hack and Fungus Clear.
Yes, the marketing is definitely over-the-top and even a bit 'shady' with all of the lies we are told... but I'm not going to be calling it a scam by any means.
Conclusion - Worth a Try?
I'm not going to be recommending Fungus Eliminator mainly because I have concerns about the ingredients' potential effectiveness.
If the turmeric was concentrated and they included some sort of protectant ingredient for the probiotics to make their way into your GI tract then I might recommend it... but they don't.
I like how this supplement takes a completely different approach to fighting toenail fungus compared to most, but it is still lacking in my opinion.
That said, the choice is yours, and if you still want to you can purchase it on the official website here.
I hope you enjoyed this review and found it helpful. Please leave any comments or questions below. I like to hear feedback from my readers 🙂
Thank you for this review. I really appreciate your information.
Very good information. You just saved me $70.
What do you know about UN Synbiotics 365?
I used this product for 90 days, $130, I want to believe it made me healthier, but not sure. I did notice that my decade long experience with toenail fungus is dramatically clearing up. I’m hesitant about re-ordering a new supply.
What does Kyle say?
Hi Clay,
I have not heard of that supplement before but I will have to look into it. It seems to be pretty popular.
I have used it too, and noticed improvement, but pricey as it is I have been inconsistent in using it.
Thank you for the review of Fungus Eliminator…I almost bought a 3 month supply…Do you have a suggestion for toenail fungus?? Please look into Synbiotics 365…
looking for a product to clear up fungal nail
Thank you for your info , very helpful , but what you recommend for toe fungus please help
Try tea tree oil. It is a product from Australia. It really does kill fungus of many varieties. I have been using it on the toe nail that has it for the last 9 months. Each month I take a photograph and you can see them on the url above. There is clear visible improvement. Toe nails grow at a fraction of the rate of fingernails. I estimate it will take another 9 months
Hi Anthony
I have suffered with toenail fungus. I have tried many natural things, but my nail fungus has cleared up now due to using hydrogen peroxide solution. I put a couple of drops of it under the toenail and it cleans the nail bed. I applied it morning and night. You could see it actually improves the nail, after 4 months of using it. I don't have anymore nail fungus. I did try tea tree oil but it didn't work for me. Hope this helps.
I have been using this Fungus Eliminator product for 2 months,
and am about to order my 3rd bottle, because after 15 years or so
of trying to eliminate this affliction, this product showed results
after the 1st bottle, moreso with the 2nd, and I am thinking that
the 3rd will finalize it… I saw my podiatrist and he was amazed and impressed, took a photo of the bottle, and did comment on the
improvement at that time, which was during the 2nd bottle.
So, if it works for me, after such tenacity, for years, it COULD
conceivably work for someone else… it is worth a one bottle
Thank you for the info I was looking . It sounds like too good to be true What put a red flag up for me How long had to take it Is there anything that works out there?
Finally a very well written review that scam alerts don’t usually do. They usually end up being sponsored indirectly by the company and support all the claims. Very thought provoking and helpful Thank you.Bev
Always happy to help Beverly!
Jul 31
I used Lamisal for a year- it didn’t totally go away. I tried tea tree oil- but the smell makes me sick…I’ve been using real honey (it’s an anti-fungal) 10 minutes & wash- plus it gives a feeling a well being, for real! They’re about 1/2 grown out now, so finger’s crossed it works this time!
Did the honey work? Sounds a bit messy. Only 10 minutes …. a day? I do like the well-being feeling & may try for that alone. L
Thank you for posting your thoughtful review of a probable scam remedy. Given the disclaimer that I am a biochemist and not a podiatrist, My comments are: 1) I doubt that a healthy immune system could cure an established case of toenail fungus, because the fungus is residing in an area with very little circulation, and that organism is evolutionarily well-adapted to live in that environment. 2) My podiatrist gave the following estimates of success rates for curing toenail fungus (if I remember correctly): something like 5% or less for topical ointments, 50% for oral antifungals, and 60% or more for the combination of oral antifungals and laser treatment (basically localized heating to destroy the pathogen). My point is that nail fungus is very difficult to eliminate. A person may think they have cured it when they have only suppressed the symptoms (yellow nails). Fortunately, oral drugs such as terbinafine are relatively non-toxic to humans. 3) There are only two types of medical treatments, those that have been proven to work (objective double-blind studies), and those that have not been proven to work. As someone who has worked in biochemistry research for over 40 years, I can assure you that touted “conspiracies” do not exist. There are no “miracle remedies” that leave doctors or researchers “speechless.” (laughing would be more likely) If a so-called miracle herbal cure for (pick one: baldness, impotence, nail fungus, diabetes) actually did work, my M.D. physician would prescribe it and still see plenty of patients and still make plenty of money. 4) I do not blindly trust any corporation, but at least “Big Pharma” is required by law to prove that their drugs are safe and effective. It is not always perfect, but I contrast that with herbals and supplements. The DSHEA Act of 1994 specifically exempted the supplement industry from actually testing their products. (see That is a major reason why consumers are swindled out of billions of dollars every year on quack cures. When you see language like “boosts the immune system” or “detoxifies” this or that, you can bet it’s a scam. Ask any Ph.D. toxicologist about internet remedies that “detoxify” and he/she will likely just roll their eyes (or laugh). Best wishes and thanks again for your posting.
I'll try the natural remedy before supporting the likes of "Big Pharma." They have released a Covid19 vaccine that has never been proven or approved by the FDA – which is showing many harmful side effects – for a virus that has never been isolated. Such a SCAM!!!
You nailed dissecting the promo tactic used in promoting such products.
Generally, I try to remember the old adage, "If something sounds too good to be true,
it probably is NOT true." If any part of a thing is untrue or a lie, it makes the whole untrue and a lie.
Using the bible and religious belief to promote herbal products is reaching for sales. It is not what people say that matters; it is the truth of what emerges — or not. In times of old, prophets found to spread prophesies that did NOT come to pass were eliminated to prevent the spread of false claims and untruths.
Promoting products and remedies "for the blind to see" only to discover blind converts still
stumbling in the dark sheds its own light of truth.
In my humble opinion, no promotion or advertisement should have to ramble on for 15 minutes or more to convince and influence anyone of the efficacy of a product. A product either works or it does NOT. A product will fly off the shelves (word-of-mouth) if it truly works; but will have to be marketed and promoted to the vulnerable if it misleads in hope.
Truly: "Let the buyer beware." is a good motto to live by.
Good information and perspective. Thank you.
Hi Biochemist,
Why defend the Big pharm when you just said quoting the podiatrist that topical creams work only 5% of the time—that includes those created by Big Pharma.
They’re making money of a scam too if their topical doesn’t work 95% of the time.
Oil of oregano did well after a year of applying it, but fungus has returned when I stopped.
I’m considering the pinpoint laser via a podiatrist for $1,000 for 3 treatments.
That’s so expensive though! What if fungal stuff comes back?
Thanks Kyle for your understanding response!
You started out so strong, why did you just seem to fizzle in the end? You know those ingredients simply won’t stop the fungus, or any fungus from growing. You have to do better than that!!!
I enjoyed you article on Fungus Eliminator and appreciate your knowledge on the components that are portrayed to make this product a go-to. Todays advertisement make it difficult to read between the lines. You have shared your concerns and I agree the integrity of the ingrediencies of the product should be quantified.
It’s like a breath of fresh air to hear such a straight forward opinion expressed with no animosity or one sided on the pro side! Getting the probiotics past the stomache acids. Talk to some scientists and see if you can’t get an easy way to do this. Wouldn’t you agree? Thanks, David, in southwest Florida.
Congratulations to author Kyle for his excellent dissection of “Fungus Eliminator”. As I have low tolerance for endless “talking head ” videos, I just read the ad. Tendentious and exaggerated would in my opinion be too kind a description. Sadly, the web is stuffed with crap like this. They all follow the same pattern, whether the topic is nail fungus, hair loss, ED, BPH and so forth typically targeted at older men. There are of course similar ads targeted at women. The peddlers of such garbage should be ashamed of themselves.
Thanks Don. I’m glad you came across my review before buying!
if this product actually works,why would anybody need to buy 3 or 6 bottles of it?
Agree with you totally. There are too many of these scam cure-all products that prey on unknowledgeable people. Toenail fungus might be unsightly and annoying, but not deadly as ad
implies. Thank you for your info.
Thanks Kyle for your insight, research and detailed article about this product. Tineye is another site that is helpful to see how many times a picture has popped up on the Internet. Your investigative journalism is very much needed in our society where fear tactics are used for one’s own personal and monetary gain. Keep up the great work!
I enjoy reading your review on this product. Help me as far as purchasing it for my personal use. I will not be buying this product. Thank you for clarifying my concerns.
Thank you for helping us to not waste our time and money on another product that probably will not work. Do you recommend any products that you believe work for fungal infections? Beta Glucan 1/3, 1/6? Transfer Point?
Thank you,
Thanks Kyle. You were fair in your evaluation of this product.
Personally, I am amazed at the over dramatic, lengthy ”health” videos pouring out of the USA. They have me yawning after a few minutes! They all seem to have the same boring stamp. By contrast, If something really works well, it should only need a brief sincere explanation, or best of all come to us through word of mouth, preferably of someone we trust, who has found relief from the product. Even then, what works for one person may not work for another, so we should never push people to use a “remedy” or so called “ wonder cure” However, encouraging folk to do research into their own health issues is better, as they can’t blame you for wasting their money on pricey, ineffective products! Thanks again for a balanced review.
If this stuff can work in 12 days and there are 30 pills in one bottle, why would you need more than one bottle at most? One should see evidence of progress after two 12-day applications, wouldn’t one?
This was very helpful! My husband has suffered from toenail fungus for 20 years and it has gotten worse. I keep looking for a “cure” I feel bad for him and want an answer.
Thank you for the information about this product. I will not purchase
I just bought a bottle of Fungus Eliminator out of desperation. I fell for the part about it being "all natural" since I'm extremely careful about drug interactions. I haven't used it yet and am considering trying to return the bottle. I checked the ingredients with my neurologist
and was given the go-ahead, but I hadn't asked about the caprylic acid and other chemical ingredients listed on the bottle. I can't afford any interaction with my anti-seizure meds (Dilantion 100 mg and Levectiracetam 250 mg). Your thoughts?
I just took my first dose and immediately had a bad stomach ache that lasted all night,. I also began to get very dizzy after 2 hours and it has continued for 2 days so far. I am not taking any more !!!
The stock photo tearsundefinedtares it for me. A map of the Haymarket, VA address shows it to be a strip mall, anchored by a grocery store and hosting a Subway, a UPS Store, and Tony's NY Pizza as well. This is a jar from the medical-industrial park I originally pictured.
Although the website prominently features testimonials from satisfied users, Every Single One is flagged with "results not typical." "Typical" results are left to the imagination, but presumably involve attempts to contact ANYONE for an RMA# and the return address…
It occurs to me also to say this entire "industry" of setting up an emarketing operation to push a "miracle" solution composed of uber-cheap ingredients promising to "cure" this-or-that in a period of "N" days or weeks is nothing more than legalized touting. At the race track, and other betting venues, a "tout" works his way through the crowd dispensing "tips" to unsuspecting bettors, a different one for each horse. After the race, he finds the one who received the "tip" about the winner, and preys on their "gratitude" for the inside information. IF, in fact, the "harmless ingredients" of their "cure" do work for the odd customer here or there, the pushers will indeed believe it's a "miracle." You could operate a "stock-tip" newsletter in the same way by sending out two versions every month, to a steadily decreasing number of investors. In one version, you predict a stock will go up. In the other, that it will go down. The next month, you send out another two versions, BUT ONLY TO THE HALF WHO RECEIVED THE CORRECT GUESS THE MONTH BEFORE. Each month, the number of "winners" goes down by half, BUT IMAGINE THE GRATITUDE of the one person for whom you apparently picked six months of successive winners!!! (Watch for soon-to-be-release miracle product for treating dry mouth and itchy skin, H-double-OH–available ONLY FROM THE WEB WHILE QUANTITIES LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the more !, the more it has to be true)).
How long will it be before you start seeing some results once you start taking? Fungus on one foot.
Kyle, you are really a great analyst, sleuth, researcher. How about tracking the pandemic vaccines, tell us what you find.
Thank U for these facts. It kept me from purchasing this product. What product do U recommend to use for toe nail fungus.
Pissing on your feet while taking a shower will eliminate fungus also walking on the beach and soaking your feet in the ocean
Thank you for a clear & thorough review. I anticipated enlightenment over the 12 day fungus cure (which was in the ad I read). Why would someone want to buy 365 days worth of this supplement if it was supposed to cure fungus in 12 days?
Nice to have resources for all the infomercials we are hooked by! Thanks!
Excellent what is the cure?
Thank you Kyle! It takes my breath away that you found public use stock photos used for Joseph Owen! That addresses the integrity of the peopleundefinedcompany and although there are wonderful ingredients in the product, this lack of integrity really negates my trust in it. Very Helpful Thank you again.
i use tileX bathroom bleach spray every third night in the shower, i spray my toes and use a toothbrush between the toes, then rinse off, and my toes are now perfect, it was an act of desperation as nothing else had worked
What I can't understand is how long do you have to take this? Is it 6 months a year does it never go away on less your taking this drug? Do they want you to buy 3 bottles or 6 bottles so fungal infections never go away? Do I have to take these the rest of my life? I like one and done. Thanks, Kyle for looking into this for us.
Thank you for taking your time and resources to bring us this information we can easily find via Google search. We need more watchdogs like you in this world.
Have you found ANY product that cures toenail fungus ???
Hi Kyle, Is there some other product you recommend for toe nail fungus?
Thank you, Kyle, for all the work you did in researching this product. These sort of long, wordy ads always make it sound like you absolutely must purchase it or something terrible is in the offing for your health. I am a senior with a small income and can't afford to buy something that is not going to be helpful. Therefore, I will take your advice and pass on this product. But again, most of all, I thank you for helping many people in this decision as to buy or not. PS: One thing I forgot to mention is I get really concerned about these natural products because I do take prescription meds and have read elsewhere that some natural supplements can interfer with prescription meds. It is not worth the chance. Thank you, again!
The problem I have is if all these miraculous products were so effective they would be selling out and doctors would be prescribing them to patients. The other thing I noticed all these experts offering their products are all in the same price range. Isn't that interesting?
Can you recommend a toenail fungus eliminator that works?
excellent heads up. thanks
which probiotic should i take that wont be killed in my stomach?
Outstanding job Sir. Very informative without reading like a text book. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for taking the interest and the time to do this service for the public and potential buyers.
Can you provide Link of a product you reviewed that suggests it might be effective for a Fungus toenail?
Thank you
I have long resisted taking tumericundefinedcurcumin supplements that include peperine. Because — the purpose of the peperine is to make the intestine more permeable so the turmeric can get through. I believe that is called LEAKY GUT and who on earth would want to take anything that causes leaky gut, on purpose no less? So I use turmeric in my regular cooking but do not take supplements of it. My gut is already leaky from FQAD and mold exposure, and the very LAST thing I need is a supplement that makes it even more leaky. Sheesh.
Thank you for being so informative!
I would never have considered substance absorption rates and crossing barriers, such as stomach acid. So, Thanks, again.
IMHO having an infomercial like they've put together is ridiculous & actually had the opposite effect of an ad & turned me off of it, it just sounds like a bunch of shenanigans.
Could u recommend a supplement or
Treatment for Toenail Fungus?
We wished we would have read your review of Fungus Eliminator sooner.
My husband and I have been taken Fungus Eliminator for 6 months with some results. Just ordered another 3-months-worth, and if that doesn't do the job we will quit.
I used up the three bottles of Fungus Eliminator. Although, the condition did not get worse, it showed no visible improvement. I took pictures of both my feet before and after the 90 day intake and sent it to the company asking for a refund. All I got is some acknowledgment of receiving my e-mail, but no mention of a refund. This company is a scam and should be avoided.