BPS-5 Review – Scam or Will This Lower Your Blood Pressure?

Is BPS-5 really going to be the blood pressure lowering supplement that helps you increase blood-flow and feel younger again with plenty of energy to do the things you love?

Or is BPS-5 a scam that you would be better off avoiding altogether? With the other blood pressure lowering scams out there, like Blood Pressure Protocol for example, it's a question that needs to be asked.

The purpose of this review of BPS-5 is to help answer these questions. Here I will be going over what exactly this supplement is and what it does, whether or not you can trust the company behind it, ingredients, concerns and more. 

What Is BPS-5?

  • Name: BPS-5
  • Type: Hypertension supplement
  • Manufacturer: FAI Health ('Functional Aging Institute' Health)
  • Price: $47/bottle or $69 with Healthy Blood Pressure Protocol ebook included
  • Recommended?: Not really (more on why)
  • Where to Buy: Website Here


BPS-5 is a natural supplement by FAI Health that is formulated to lower blood pressure. It is promoted in a number of different ways and many of the promotional pitches are over-hyped and sound scammy.

Overall this supplement seems like it could be good but I will not be promoting it, mainly because of lack of transparency, as I will be going over.

The Sales Pitch

The sales pitch is quite ridiculous and likely the reason you are reading my review right now... because it sounds pretty scammy.

There are several sales pitches floating around on the internet. You may have come across this video that starts off talking about "this silent killer could fill over 750,000 coffins by end of the year" (which we learn is hypertension)...


.. or you may have seen another one I came across about how a "small nameless building has the potential to turn the pharmaceutical industry, and billion dollar drug companies upside down".


Typical Fear Mongering

Here you have the typical fear mongering approach where they try to strike fear into the minds of viewers. They talk about how hypertension causes heart attacks, strokes, etc... and sometimes it's too late to fix... you die.

While this is true what they say, the way the way they go about explaining this is intended to scare. When watching it you pretty much feel you are going to die if you have hypertension... unless of course you buy BPS-5.

This Video "Might Save Your Life"

Of course you have to watch carefully, the video might save your life. And you have to watch it right now because it could be taken down at any time... typical for these types of promotions.

Conspiracy Theories

Right on que... we are told that the medical establishment has known about the root cause of hypertension for years, yet continues to overlook it...


As they tell us, the medical industry doesn't want people to be cured... because they want to continue to suck every penny out of the population.

While I definitely do not trust the medical establishment completely, what I trust even less is scammy promotions like this that take misleading and deceptive approaches to sell their supplements.

I'm also a big fan of natural cures, but the truth is that prescription medications aren't always the bad guys... and while they do often have some pretty bad side effects, they also help a lot of people.

A Near-Death Experience

It seems that most sales pitches start off with some near-death experience... and then the person fully recovers thanks to some magical cure later on.

The story here is that some retired military veteran named Jerry almost died from high BP... but is now completely symptom free thanks to FAI and their natural cure.

But I have no evidence that any of this is true.

Misleading Info

The claim is that fructose is the root cause of hypertension. It causes uric acid production which slows nitric oxide production and leads to tightening blood vessels.

There are a bunch of research studies cited and whatnot, but the presentation is misleading.

While research implies that fructose does play a big role in hypertension, how much of a role it plays is still now well known and it certainly isn't the only cause of high BP.

Vague Information

As expected, the information provided is very vague. 

Phrases like "this extract", "this compound", "this special formula", etc. are often used.

We know this supplement consists of 5 herbs/spices, but what they are we do not know.

Overall the sales pitch isn't something I care for too much. I would rather watch a shorter video that gets to the point faster and that is more straightforward.

The Company - Can You Trust Them?

The company behind BPS-5 is called FAI, which stands for Functional Aging Institute (website: fai-health.com). The company was founded in 2013 by Dr Dan Ritchie and Dr Cody Sipe (both or whom hold Ph.D's and are personal trainers) with the goal of helping older clients achieve better health naturally.


One of their biggest achievements has been the development of a "senior fitness" certification program composed of knowledge, theory, skill and practical application... which personal trainers can take to add to their credentials.

Dan, the head guy, has helped relieve thousands of hypertension completely naturally, has spoke at large events, helped people in over  16 countries, and has even been featured on the news... among many other things.

Both guys have quite a long list of qualifications and achievements.

While the sales pitch may lead one to believe that these people are a bunch of scammers, they are not in any way and do seem to be the kind of people you can trust.

However, there are some concerns I still have that I will go over shortly.


Well, I hate to leave my readers wanting more, but unfortunately I don't know the ingredients.

In the information provided all they tell us is that it is a "proprietary formula", which is a term that I hate to hear.


Even on the main product page of the fai-health.com website there is no information as you can see here...


A bit concerning to say the least.

*If anyone knows the ingredients please let me know in the comment section so that I can update this review!

Side Effects

Natural ingredients like those said to be contained in this supplement are usually less likely to cause side effects, but that's about all I can say since I don't know the actual ingredients.

Synthetic drugs on the other hand, according to a report in the Journal of Nephropharmacology, are responsible for about 8% of hospital admissions in the US--from side effects of the drugs. That is a heck of a lot.

That said, natural remedies aren't always as safe as you might think.


As it's being promoted right now, you can get BPS-5 and their Healthy Blood Pressure Protocol ebook for $69.

BPS-5 bottles

The ebook is basically a bunch of information on how to naturally lower your BP. It discusses why some diets don't work, what does work, some simple tricks you can do daily to lower BP (like breathing techniques for example),  and so on.

In the video presentation that I watched I was told that this price is "for today and today only", but this is far from being the truth. This video presentation has already been running for days saying the same thing.

"Rock Solid 365-Day Guarantee"

The claim is that they offer a "rock solid 365-day guarantee" where you can get a full refund if your high BP is not reduced.

They make it sound so simple... just contact their support at support@healthybloodpressureprotocol.com and you will be able to mail in the opened bottles and get a full refund.


However, I've been reviewing products marketed like this for too long to fall for this kind of statement.

What more than likely will happen is you will somehow have to prove that you followed the protocol exactly as you are supposed to, that you didn't skip any days of taking BPS-5, and you will likely need some blood-work to show before & after results... and maybe more.

There is almost always a way out of money-back guarantees like this when they are incredibly vague... as this one is.

But this is just my two cents on it all... I don't know for sure if it will be difficult to get a refund.


My main concern here is about the ingredients and the lack of transparency about them.

How can they expect us to trust them and to buy this product if we don't even know what's in it?

The marketing tactics are also a bit concerning... The company itself and the founders seem to be stand-up guys who you can trust, but then the misleading marketing tactics make you question their integrity.

Pros v Cons


  • Created by professionals in the industry
  • Good company behind it
  • Natural ingredients, no harsh chemicals
  • 365 day money-back guarantee


  • No list of ingredients
  • Questionable trustworthiness

Is BPS-5 a Scam?

While there are definitely some things I don't like about how this supplement is marketed and some concerns I have, I certainly don't have any reason to call it a scam.

I also would highly doubt that a company with a good reputation like FAI would be willing to damage their image selling a scam product.

Conclusion - Worth a Try or Not?

I wish I could have been more thorough in this review but unfortunately there is limited information for me to go off of.

Is this worth a try? Well, it seems that it could be, but there are too many unknowns for me to recommend it to my readers.

That said, if you want you can purchase BPS-5 on the official website here.

I hope that you found this review helpful. Please leave any comments or questions below and I will get back to you soon 🙂

61 thoughts on “BPS-5 Review – Scam or Will This Lower Your Blood Pressure?”

  1. FYI, the active ingredients for BPS- 5 include:
    Magnesium citrate 100 mg
    Nattokinase 50 mg
    Hawthorn Berry Extract 300 mg
    Grapeseed Extract 150 mg
    Gamma Aminobutyric Acid(GABA) 200 mg

    Other ingredients include Cellulose (Vegetable Capsule), Rice Flour & Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.

    Kyle, thanks for your review & hopefully my input will help with your next review of BPS-5.

    • Hello Michael (and Kyle),

      I found the ingredient list that you shared above at bps-5.com, which appears to be created on WordPress, so I'd be a little surprised if that was actually the official product site.

      However, the review given on 4undefined24undefined20 at advancedliving.com gives a completely different list of ingredients, supposedly found on the official site, though no url is given:
      Omega-3's, wholegrains, magnesium, potassium, fiber and celery as a vegetable
      Fish Oil

      Then, the review given on 9undefined12undefined20 at apnews.com lists the above omega3undefinedfishundefinednut ingredients, claiming (falsely) to have gotten them from bps-5.com, which IT says IS the official site.

      Finally, the review given on 1undefined10undefined21 at thehealthmags.com starts the ingredients with
      Citric acid
      Malic acid
      before adding that the fish oil and nuts etc. are "other ingredients".

      Also of note, Advanced Living claims a 365-day money back guarantee, while AP News claims 180 days, The Health Magazine cites only 60 days, and bps-5.com itself (after you "click here to get it now") cites 90 days. Plus, the different sites give slightly different pricing for the different packages of 1, 3, or 6 bottles. All in all, the inconsistency is concerning to say the least. (There are at least 5 other review sites that came up in the search, but I only looked at the 3 I discussed.)

    • I am Not putting anything in my body that I don't know what it is. Supply me and everyone else the ingredients and I will do My research Not take the word of someone else Doctor or Not.
      After writing my comment I read the ingredients Mr. Parker posted. Where did you get this info. Mr Parker? Nobody seems to have found it. It would be nice to have another agree with your list. I will look into this as I said.

  2. Thank you Kyle. I scanned thru the promotional information and felt it was too hyped to be true. And when I couldn’t find out what the ingredients were, I decided this product is not for me and is this a scam. Proprietary ingredients means you haven’t got a clue what you are putting in your body. I have some background in toxicology (worked in a tox lab to help pay for grad school) and there are many naturally occurring substances that are highly toxic. Even non-toxic substances when combined or in high doses can have nasty effects. For example, supplements like turmeric extract (which I take) when combined with other blood thinning supplements can result in intestinal bleeding.

    • Ken,
      Might you share what supplements, e.g.; blood thinning types, are on the list? I also take turmeric but also take astragalus, Astaxanthin, ubiquitionol, ashwagandha, NAC wundefined milk thistle, quercetin wundefined pterostilbene, D3undefinedk2, zinc and selenium, lipsomal vit C, carnitine complex and I’m starting to get light nose bleeds so I’m thinking I’m taking some conflicting supplements; any help greatly appreciated.
      Thanks so much,

    • ingredients are on the website, i just posted them hawthorn berries grapeseed extract
      gammo acid magenisium and nattokinase

  3. I think you have misunderstood what they are saying about their ingredients. They say that the ingredients are a proprietary blend utilizing the five ingredients listed on the label.
    magnesium, nattokinase, hawthorn berry, grapeseed extract and Gamma Aminobutyric.
    So the ingredients are listed.

  4. Thanks Kyle! In your experience of research, can you tell me what is the best alternative medicine to take for high blood pressure? Do you recommend bp meds from doctors?

  5. The ingredients they gave in the presentation are: Hawthorn Berry, Grapeseed Extract, Gaba, magnesium, and Nattokinase.

  6. i love how it takes over an hour to find out what the "5 second" ritual is. it does sound legit that it helps. i just get aggrevated by these super long vidoes that go on and on and on before getting to the point.

    i do have a question , esepcially for the reviewer. one of my friends father has taken 1undefined4 of a cup of tart cherry juice no sugar addded each day once a day and said it has helped his blood pressure with either no meds or a reduced amount and has helped. anyone know about how well that works?

  7. I should have looked for your review first but out of desperation I bought the product already.
    I just took the first two BPS-5 caps and 2 BP-Activate caps with recommended 8 oz water.
    I struggle with hypertension for years and however very strong medicine managed to lower it to just below 140 (sometimes still going over 150) I suffer from side effects including muscle weakness, tiredness and few others. I am also using a bit of garlic every day. It seems to help.
    I would be ready to report to you the progress of the treatment. Personally I hope it works.
    I leave in Canada and have no connections to the product producers. The hefty bill might prove it.
    I am 74 year old, retired so it is not affordable for me, especially after dollar conversion, but like I said, I was desperate.
    Well I am ready to be your “experiment rat” so in the worst case I can be a warning or a voice of hope for other desperate people.
    Please respond so I have your email and ask any questions you need to have my honesty proved.

  8. Your "review" appears to be a scam itself, and a promotion for BPS-5! yOU CLAIM NOT TO KNOW ITS INGREDIENTS, BUT THE FILM i WATCHED CLEARLY SPELLS OUT WHAT'S IN IT: hAWTHORN BERRY, GRAPESEED EXTRACT, gaba, mAGNESIUM, AND NATOKINASE. So your complaint is obviously an empty false accusation, which anyone reading can see instantly as false. But a common knee-jerk reaction of a naive person is to dismiss the idea that BPA-5 is a scam. Your review is worthless, but that isn't evidence one way or the other that BPA-5 may be a scam, but that your "review" is.

  9. First of all, any attempt of returning the product is fruitless. Their internet page is suspended.
    The product not only does not have any effect it has some strange side effects.
    In desperation I spent over $300 canadian dollars. Total loss. Do not buy or if you want to try, buy one bottle. If you get positive results buy more. For me it is a scam.


  11. In answer to your question about ingredients the presentation I listened to listed each and it's use. Hawthorn Berry, Grapeseed extract, GABA, heart friendly form of Magnesium, NatoKinase (sp?).

  12. Ingredients would be easily found if you truly wanted to know! But I will furnish from bottle received today
    Magnesium 100 mg
    Hawthorn Berry Extract 300 mg
    Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid 200mg
    Grape seed extract 150mg
    Naltokinase 50mg
    (Other ingredients Cellulose ( vegetable capsule
    Brown Rice Flour

  13. I am Not putting anything in my body that I don't know what it is. Supply me and everyone else the ingredients and I will do My research Not take the word of someone else Doctor or Not.

  14. BPS-5.

    Ingredients (as stated in promotional video):
    1). Hawthorn Berry
    2). Garlic
    3). Olive Leaf Extract
    4). Hibiscus Flowers
    5). Buchu Leaf (Africa)
    6). Uva Ursee Leaf
    7). Juniper Berries
    8). Green Tea Leaf

  15. On the presentation I witnessed they presented the ingredients: Hawthorne berries, Garlic, Olive leaf extract, Hesperdin, Juniper Berries, and green leaf tea.

  16. For what it's worth, the never-ending commercial I watched, starring a supposed EMT, claimed the product contains the following:

    Hawthorne berry
    Olive leaf
    Hibiscus flower
    Buchu plant
    UVA ursi leaf
    Juniper berry
    Green tea leaf

    Of course, I have no idea if this is credible.

  17. Kyle,
    If you’re a “be leary” advocate on this product to any degree, why promote the product by providing an email to order it? I have seen the BPS-5 and know where to order it. I just want unbiased feedback. So, although I value advice from people like yourself, I feel your credibility would be better embraced by not suggesting website ordering of this product if there is a reasonable degree of uncertainty of its claim to lower BP without adverse side effects. Other than this comment, keep up the good work!

  18. The fire truck scene is a little theatrical
    In the info commercial. Was thinking about getting a bottle- But your info on fructose
    Caught my eye. I’m going to cut back on sugary
    Drinks like Snapple get more exercise and lose weight. Perhaps then I can get off my blood pressure meds. They are low dose- but my blood pressure stays around 150 lately
    Thank you for your input

  19. During a presentation, they noted ingredients: Hawthorne berry, Grape seed extract, Gamma something called GABA , Magnesium and something called Natokaness? (sp)

  20. Thank you for the review.I am contemplating buying a bottle. However,you said In this review that the video doesn't provide specific information about the five ingredients in BPS-5,but it does. Please explain.

  21. Made by a company called Golden after 50 and same stuff in it as listed below only an retired EMT that had his house burn down is doing the hype.

  22. Grapeseed Extract 150 mg what brand of this is true to potency? Also, Hawthorn Berry Extract 300 mg? Those are the two I have been researching on the best to lower Blood Pressure but there are so many brands. I can't afford to try them all. Never heard of other stuff in the BPS5 pills.

  23. straight and to the point,unlike the video for bps-5. Everyone knows the pharmacutical companies take advantage of people with supply and demand,scare,and fear tactics to line their pockets,and it is obvious bps-5 are also on that bandwagon.Within 30seconds into the video,my wife and myself were saying get to the point and what are they selling.They use a photo of baking soda and lemon to lure you in,thinking "all natural"as well as scare and fear tactics to get you to buy their product. I feel it is up there right with the Pharmacutical,and Insurance companies telling the Drs.how to practice medicine.And the Drs. playing along so they can acheive the bottom line.MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS.

  24. How can you call this a "review' when you have not tried it yourself which is the proper way to review a product. Unless and until you try it yourself for a while and have some ACTUAL proof, your "review" is WORTHLESS.

  25. Good morning! I really do appreciate your post, I had questions about the BPS-5 too. I listened to the very long video to the end and wasn't convince after I saw the cost for one bottle and the $19.00 shipping fee. I wanted to just try one bottle first to see how it would work. Why are they making you buy multiple bottles not knowing if it would work? That turned me off. I was thinking —–schuup!! They are just like all the other scammers.

  26. So really, you are not saying anything that no one else has thought off.
    It is yay and nay.
    Use at your own risk!?
    Gods job!

  27. one point it is a shame we can not trust big brother and sister and its offsprings with valuable truth about these advertisement. USA and the world is sick and gluttiness with food addiction for the so call overseers allowing many of these ads. health is a major problem in society and we are passing it down to the young -generation stacking. but we just keep on making money. hey do not forget stop at Wholefoods. amazon got it now.

  28. The ingredients that are talked about in the video that you didnt catch are hawthorne berry, nikkatolase (sounds like that), magnesium and i forgot the other one.
    I have taken BPS5 for a week now and it has stabilized by BP
    .i will continueb aking it as i think it is helping me. In fact i ordered more bottles for my husband to try.

  29. Kyle,

    I have bought this supplement and according to the ingredients it seems to be a good product, at least these herbs are known to have a good influence on your blood pressure.

    The main thing is that the ingredients really are the ones listed, then I know they are not harmful but rather the opposite

  30. Hello Agent Kyle,

    Your 'Conclusions' begin with, "I wish I could have been more thorough in this review but unfortunately there is limited information for me to go off of."

    While you clearly made an effort to learn about this product, it is clear that the maker, FAI Health, has little if Any scientific date upon which to base their claims and keeps their information protected as a trade secret.

    That means that their product –Whatever it is– falls into the category of a supplement, for which there are almost No Regulations. So: No Ingredients, No Data, No Science, No Regulations. While this absence of facts gives you nothing to work with, which I sympathize with as a writer, do you think it would have been respectful to your readers to have given some kind of disclaimer at the beginning of this "review", albeit risking a spoiler alert, to know that there was –and I Don't mean this unkindly– nothing of substance you could say about the product?

    Did you interview anyone who has used BPS5? Did you try it yourself under supervision by your own physician?

    I'm not trying to trash your review; I am, however, trying to offer criticism that you can use going forward.

    As another example of that, your commentary on the ease with which a consumer can be duped by unscrupulous Warranty claims is both accurate and helpful. Having done that good work, I'm curious to learn why you placed the Warranty in the Pro column of your 'Pros vs Cons' list. If you believe what you say about companies wiggling out of warranties, why not either put Warranty in both Pro and Con columns or leave it out of the comparison, simply because it is both controversial and unproved.

    I think there are other ways you could have approached this product that could possibly have resulted in more knowledge being shared. Even if the results of your own, or other people's trial of BPS5 were inconclusive, that Would have provided data, actual information. Do you see why I'm taking time to suggest other approaches to this topic?

    In your own words, " I hope that you found this review [ of your review ] helpful."

    Look forward to your response, and as Michael Parker said, that you pursue another go at reviewing PBS5.

    Best Wishes,


  31. I just started taking this. I researched each ingredient first, ignoring the sales techniques they used. I do not know if my pressure has come down as I have an inadequate measuring tool. What I do know, is that I feel more energetic.
    I have Afib. I usually just want to sit all day. Now I am up doing things. And I have to say that I am not feeling the thumping of my heart. Has this corrected my rhythm? I hope so. I would pay a million bucks to have a normal heartbeat.

  32. Any new reviewsundefinedrevisions for 2022 . . . Need to know in regards potential interactions with other supplements, medications and or the likes. Any furtherundefinedcurrent information would be appreciated greatly.

  33. I didn't get to listen to the whole promo but they did,in fact, list the five ingredients so you are incorrect on the most important premise of your review. The promo said that it was made with:
    NATTOKANAISE (not sure if I spelled this correctly)

  34. $69 for a trial bottle or bottles should be a tipoff. My bp meds are covered by insurance, and if they weren't I still suspect they'd be a LOT less than 69 bucks. For many older people that's a lot of money to try something online that comes across as a dubious cure.
    The other giveaway is the familiar Urgent Voice, the same one you hear in so many of these endless read-to-the-very-end commercials, with just enough of a British accent to sound more official.
    Frankly I rank this right up there with Garcinia Cambogia and cures for reflux. It ain't gonna happen.

    I appreciate the care that went into your comments, however.

  35. Ingredients: vitamins C,E,, Biotin,Magnesium,Zinc,Chromium,Banaba Leaf,Guggul,Bitter Melon.Licorice Root Extract,Cinnamon Bark Powder, Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Powder, Yarrow Flowers Powder, Cayenne Pepper Powder, Juniper Berry Powder, White Mulberry Leaf Powder, Vanadium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, L-Taurine.

  36. Thank you for your article. I feel that I invested too much time watching the long video. What needed to be conveyed could have been done in a quarter of the time. I was skeptical of purchasing the product, which led me to you. Reading your article was much more worthwhile. The price is too high. I would be concerned about stopping my HP medicines without consulting a doctor. I have been on Lisinopril for almost 20 years, which has helped keep it under control. I would love to stop taking it. Not sure I want to take that risk because of watching the video. Please continue to give your honest opinions.

  37. I can't believe they do not list the ingredients in their product. That people would actually take this stuff is crazy. This stuff could be laced with poison for all we know, this sounds very suspicious. Even if they did list something how do we really know that they are telling the truth. Unless we tested this stuff ourselves and who can do that but a lab. A company who is really investigating products with access to a lab should test this product and tell us all what's really in it.

  38. I’ve been taking this for a month every day two tabs every day and my blood pressure hasn’t changed one bit and has always ran higher than it should . I had it checked at Dr office just two days ago no change. I ordered three bottles and have two left .just going to throw in the trash .Won’t bother sending back that stress will probably just raise my blood pressure .I’ll just figure it lesson learned.Thanks for taking time to help people like me I’m 72 not dead yet just less money.


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