Is this Sugar Balance supplement a scam by David Pearson or can it really cure your type 2 diabetes in a matter of days?
The truth might hurt a little, because unfortunately this is not the miracle cure it is promoted as being. In this review I'm going to be exposing it for what it really is, which is something you probably don't want to buy.
There is a good chance you came across the ridiculously long video presentation for this supplement. You know, the one that went on for like 45 minutes and was probably painful to sit through? That one.
Well.. I guess I should say "those ones", because there seems to be several different video presentations promoting this.
The one I came across started off like this, saying that the mainstream medical establishment does not want you to see this…

You are told that thousands of lives are saved every time the video is shown, yet it is "constantly under attack" because the medical establishment does not want you to know the truth.
And of course the video might get taken down at any time, so they say. But really this is just a little bit of trickery being used to try to get you to act as soon as possible, meaning buy the supplement they are promoting right away.
This is also promoted as a miracle supplement. You are told that "your blood sugar will normalize permanently, just days from now"…

I'm sure you were suspicious of all these rather over-the-top claims. After all, you are reading my review now looking for additional information. So I'm guessing you are probably thinking it sounded a little bit scammy.
Lots of Red Flags - Sign of a Scam?
There are so many red flags in the promotional videos it is ridiculous. Some of them include the following…
1. David Pearson is a FAKE

So "David Pearson" is supposedly the guy that created this supplement. He claims to be an epidemiologist with 27 years of experience, and claims to have researched every treatment under the sun and has finally come across a natural way to balance your blood sugar in just days.
However... This guy is a complete FAKE. He is a FRAUD.
How do I know?
Well... Take a look at the disclaimer below. Now I don't know if you can read that because it is small writing, but it says that David Pearson is a pen name… Meaning that it is a fake name.

I didn't come across this disclaimer until I was on the checkout page.
So this supplement is being promoted by a fake doctor… That is just great.
2. Lots of unverified claims
You are told that this supplement has helped over 260,000 men and women achieve "perfectly balanced blood sugar levels". However, I seriously doubt that this is true.
If this were true then why wouldn't there be more information on it?
Oh… That's right… I forgot that the medical establishment is trying their hardest to keep this all a secret. Of course.
3. All the information is "scientifically verified" and true
Yes, in the video presentation there are a lot of scientific studies referenced, which is good. HOWEVER, the way in which this information is presented is misleading to say the least.
The guy claims that fatty liver is the number one cause of type II diabetes. He acts as if this is some groundbreaking new discovery that no one wants you to know about. While it is true that there is becoming an increasing amount of research pointing to fatty liver being a cause, this is nothing that is being hidden from you.
And what is funny is that he claims the medical establishment is hiding this information from everyone, yet he references studies showing that fatty liver may be a cause of type II diabetes that were conducted by the medical establishment… Funny.
He acts as if it is THE cause and nothing else is, but this simply is not true.
"Fatty liver may play a role in the development of type II diabetes" according to Mayo Clinic. I think that quote sums it up pretty good.... it "may" play a role.
I'm not going to dive too much into detail here, but the main point I want to make is that this information is not being hidden from the public and the information he presents is in a very misleading way.
4. The fight against the medical industry
As you already know, this guy claims to be an enemy of the medical industry. He claims that they hate him because he is exposing the truth, which causes them to lose money.
I've heard this same BS pitch before from scams like Diabetes Destroyer and Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy, which I've exposed in the past.
Now I am a huge fan of natural treatments and I definitely understand why many people don't trust the medical establishment, however, you definitely cannot trust this guy either.
After all... David Pearson doesn't even exist as shown above.
But anyways… Enough talk about the misleading claims made and all of the lies told. Let's talk about the actual supplement and what it can do for you, if anything…
Sugar Balance Supplement Review
- Name: Sugar Balance
- Type: Type 2 diabetes supplement
- Manufacturer: ProvenHealth
- Price: $69/bottle
- Recommended?: No, although it has some potential
As you already know, Sugar Balance is a type II diabetes supplement that is 100% natural and can supposedly balance your blood sugar in a matter of days.
It is manufactured by a company named ProvenHealth, which I wouldn't trust and will talk more about in a bit, and sells for a high price of $69 per bottle.
Although it definitely does have some potential to help with type II diabetes, this is not something I would recommend buying and you will see why.
The ingredients in this supplement consist of 8 different herbs, these include…
- Schizandra
- Licorice Root Extract
- Astragalus Root Extract
- Wild Yam Root Extract
- Solomon's Seal Extract
- Mulberry Leaf
- Lycium Chinese Fruit Extract
- Balloon Flower Root Extract
Now in the video presentation he acts as if these are all "miracle cures" that have just been discovered, but as you can imagine the way he presents them is misleading.
Yes, if you do research on any of these ingredients you will find some evidence that suggests they can be beneficial when it comes to treating type II diabetes, but the evidence is limited.
Can these lower your blood glucose levels? Yes… But don't get too excited.
Potential to Help? Yes... But I Don't Know If I'd Trust This
As if all the information I have presented thus far is not already enough, you also have to think about the company behind this supplement, which is ProvenHealth.
I couldn't really find any information on this company and this is a serious concern.
I don't know about you, but when I am taking a supplement that I am putting in my body, I want to be able to trust what is inside it.
All we know is that Sugar Balance is an "ultra-grade and pure supplement" and it has the perfect dose of each ingredient, or at least that is what you are told.
That said, we have absolutely no idea how much of each ingredient is in it. We are told that it consists of an 800 mg blend, but this does not tell us much.
Can You Trust ProvenHealth?
I don't see any reason to trust this place and this is very worrisome because I have reviewed plenty of scams promoted in similar fashions in the past.
It Costs a Heck of a Lot
You are told that this supplement normally sells for $149 per bottle and that this is like nothing else on the market.
But of course they are so nice they are going to let us get a bottle for only $69.
However, this is a serious ripoff, or at least it has the potential to be.
As I already went over, we have no idea how good the ingredients in this supplement actually are. Of course they tell you that they are "ultra-grade and pure", but I doubt this.
Conclusion - Scam or Good Supplement?
This is a great example of another supplement that is promoted in such deceptive and misleading ways that people who buy into it are almost sure to be disappointed.
As mentioned, yes the ingredients included here definitely do have some potential, but this is certainly not something that you should expect to cure your type II diabetes in a few days, as you are told.
All in all I am definitely not going to be recommending Sugar Balance to my readers because I do not trust it.
There are much better options out there.
But anyways… I hope you enjoyed my review here and found it helpful. Please leave any comments or questions below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can 🙂
What supplements or blood sugar products do you recommend that I try. What supplements cleans out the fat in the liver do you recommend to try?
Keep in mind that I take medicines for the heart and for the stent I just had put in including 81 mg aspirin. For blood pressure. For diabetes including insulin. For stomach acid reduction. For hay fever and mold. For pain.
Thank you for any information that you might provide me.
God Bless You and your work.
Eliminating carbs is the answer.
I am a diabetic, have been for years, these pharmaceutical companies are never ending, what other options do you recommend??
Which sugar balance health supplement do you recommend for a 33 year old woman who only drinks diet coke and eats a lot of chocolates cakes and other sweet stuff. Does not drink water or hardly at all.
Thank you
Please see my website where it suggests that you do drink lots of water.
Att Kyle
I was about to purchase Sugar Balance until I read your article which suggest it is massive scam, THank you for alerting me to this.Sounded to good to be true.
Kind regards
Desmond Muir
Glad to help Desmond!
Same as me. My both parents are in many years diabetics, so I wanted to order. I found this site, so I am back up now.
I believe you are on point Kyle, I have seen these ads that lay claims to fixing many people’s health issues like Diabetic, Hi blood pressure and such. And do you know what surprises me the most why i know most of these product are fake and no good. They all start out the same way like, this is something that the big pharma doesn’t want you to know, or this offer may only be up for couple hours as they might shut down this site. Another famous quote from these fake ass supplement providers are this study is proven in some famous university by some research scientist and that if you aint satisfied with the product you can then return the remainder and get your full refund for the product. Gosh! this world is filled of people trying to get themselves killed in this harsh and terrible economic time. Don’t they know people are gonna find this out soon and want pay back, worst when people are been cheated out of their money when they are seriously looking for relief from their ailments.
Thanks for the info. Impossible to find ingredients on Sugar Balance website, which should be a red flag. At first, I thought that this might be one of those fake “reviews” that so many scam artists pepper the web with, but happy to find out it is not.
Do you know why all of these “miracle cure” sites try to force you to watch a 30-60 minute video promising the secret to life, but delivering nothing? Just curious
Where is my order. It is going on three weeks
I ordered a "free"sample of a product once and all I had to do was pay the shipping. So you put in your CC# to cover the shipping and now they can use your number however they want t to! My credit card ended up with a $800 charge by this company!! Took several months to deal with VISA to iron this out!! I did get a refund but what a stressful. situation because I ordered a free sample!!!! Hope you learned a lesson from this!! I sure did!!
Thanks for your review. What are the other options you recommend?
Kyle, What are the better options you mention?
Does the money back guarantee work??? If I use for 2 weeks and nothing happens can I get my money back???
I did get my money refunded as promised.
How do I know you are not a scam?
I found it interesting but did not trust what I was hearing beåuse it sounded too good to be true.
I am interested in what other supplements would you recommend helping my diabetic.
Thank you for the research. I listened to part of presentaion and suspected that something wasn’t right.
Some listed ingredients in Sugar Balance are used in traditional Chinese and Korean medicine. It may be that the components are imported from the Far East, processed in some arcane way with no assurance of quality, health, or efficacy. Perhaps some, like licorice root, can be harmful. Anything for a buck.
Thanks for your review I was wondering if you had any info on a product called blood balance, it too is supposed to reverse type 2 diabetes I have been trying it for just over 2 months and like anything else i have tried it does nothing.
CBD oil for Diabetes 2. What is your take on CBD oil?
Thank you for saving me big bucks…….
thank you so much for
Are all of those people claiming such great results just lying for the hell of it or are they getting paid?
TU; Low Carb beer; working in yard; and 60 feet from fridge.
I am so thankful that I read this tonight. I just saw it and almost bought it…but I called to see if it was a real company. The guy I spoke to talked it down because I said something about how the video made it look like a miracle. He said it was just a supplement and told me it wouldn't help metabolism. I didn't ask about metabolism anyway. He brought it up. He was rude and treated me as if I am stupid. I got the idea that he was just a guy answering the phone and that he really didn't know a thing about it. He also asked me my name and phone number. I was hesitant to give him my number but I did because he was determined to see if I was "in their system" and coincidentally, I was!!. I have NEVER bought anything from them. He said I got a refund for 212.00. Nope. I wouldn't have spent that much on something I didn't even know anything about and according to him, it was not that long ago. I certainly wouldn't forget that. So that, the disclaimer that i DID read also and the fact that there was no information on it or any way to ask questions scared me away. THEN, I found this! I can rest easy now that I made the right decision. I saw one called LiverMD. Have you checked that one out? If you have, what do you think about that one? What would you recommend? Just wanted you to know this as I noticed a lot of the same things and wanted to share with you about my phone call to them.
Terri, I had almost the identical thing happen to me. Sat through that boring, long video and was ready to buy it till I saw the price! I decided to look for reviews on it and found Kyle’s. Thank God I did! We’re fortunate there’s people like him out there protecting those of us that could be taken advantage of in our desperation.?
You write a good review and simple enough to understand the hype and disinformation created by this product.
Interesting how people are asking you for a replacement or a "quick" fix.
Here is what I have found. Diet (Mediterranean, Keto), Exercise (Minimum 2 times a week), and if you really want supplements these are the ones that "MAY" have the desired effects.
"Supplements that may help reverse NAFLD include milk thistle, berberine, and omega-3 fatty acids."
Thank you so much for your review. So helpful.
So what would be a better option for Type 2 diabetes supplement?
Thank You for the expose.
Thanks seriously
I once purchased another type of “diabetes support” supplement that was a herbal and vitamin-based product. I did this in a “weak moment” without thinking it through. When I received the product and did some research about the ingredients I noticed that a couple of the vitamins were in the formulation at high dangerous levels actually toxic to the body. So, I really believe Kyle’s caution about thinking what you’re putting in your body when you take stuff like this is important. The “sugar balance” hucksters want to make money, and the risks YOU are taking with YOUR body are the least of their concerns. Thank you Kyle for the beneficial service you provide!
Thank you for saving my funds, I almost purchased Sugar Balance (Proven Health), glad I found your site.
I am not saying the company is good or fraud
But what I can say is about my experience with this product
Just like many who have written I did not notice any advances when I completed taking 4 containers of the product
But halfway through the fifth container I started to go hypo which continued over the next few days
I then made the decision to stop taking it
My blood sugar reading went down to just above minimum safe levels
Other things I noticed was that it was thinning the blood as I stopped getting pulsing is the heartbeat and my erectile dysfunction problem started to improve
I put after the 4 container delay down to natural ingredients not being as strong as drugs and it is dependent on how fatty you liver is
I can recommend the product but be patient
Kyle, If not Sugar Balance, is there a product on the market you do recommend. I am currently taking Berberine and other vitaminsundefinedsupplements to assist me in improving my health. I have lost over 90 pounds and still my A1C fluctuates like the wind (Well almost). I am discussing my elevated A1C (Above 9 but normally around 8). with my doctor this Friday and I would be very interested in hearing from you before then. Thank you for the Sugar Balance review and comments above. The product did seem almost to good to be true and it is. Thank you very much for your time and I hope to hear from you very soon.
You say there are better options would you give these options out?
Then what products do you recommend that are natural? I am type 2. I am not over weight, I exercise and eat mostly a paleo diet. A1C is 6 but that is with 2 medication. I see others asking but you don’t have an answer. Diabetics are always looking for help. Thanks you.
id not see any positive results that Hi. I bought 6 bottles of sugar balance and took it every day as suggested. I did not see any positive results. My blood sugar is still varying widely just as it did before SUGAR BALLANCE.
I have already been using Sugar Balance, I am in my second month of a 3 month trial. As of yet there has been no change in blood tests. My numbers are still very high.
You are correct the videos they put out for all their products are mind numbing and irritatingly repetitive. This is a use of psychology to reel you in and wash your mind into believing what they telling you.
However, I am desperate and need to cure myself of this disease. I am tired of being a cash cow for the corporate medical industry ( there is no such thing as a doctor any more just medical businessmen). I believe firmly that it can be cured because you cant control anything unless you first know how to eradicate it.
Anyway, I was told by the Sugar Balance add I would see a difference in a week or two. Now they are telling me that depending how long I had type 2 it could take one year befor I could see a difference. I will stick to my 3 month test but I dont think I have the ability to save myself in a years time. I am already seeing serious declines in my well being.
If you know of something that really works please let me know.
Mr. Kyle, thank you so much for your review. I had watched the video, and desperately wanting to believe it, I was nearly ready to order it till I saw the pricing! I then decided to research their claims and stumbled upon your review.
You not only saved me a boatload of money, but reinforced the common sense we must use more and more in today’s world that is full of scammers. There’s a special place in hell from r people who run scams on those of us with diseases.
So, again, thank you! Please keep revenue Ewing and exposing these heartless criminals. I view you as a watch dog protector. God bless you!
I am on the 12 week program for diet. and finishing my 7th week. No carbs and no fruit or sugars. I went to their website to download the 8th week and can't get in. So I don't know if they are shutting down. In their flyer they claimed that you can eat all you want in the 8 hour window from 10 to 6 pm but nothing for 16 hours. Yet on the diet you are restricted to eating only the diet which is mostly vegetables and meat protein. the instructions are really lousy to follow to.
Do you have any info on this company by David Pearson?
David Yoshikawa
I'm 72 years old with type 11 diabetes. I came within 20 seconds of buying sugar balance. I read your full review and have decided not to buy sugar balance. Thanks a lot
you took the wind out of my sails. I thought I had found a cure. Tired of doctors and all the pills I have to take. Now I have to make the decision of who to believe.
Whenever I read or listen to a product pitch that sounds too good to be true, I always look to see if there are any reviews and who they are from. This looks like a good place to start.
I just watched his video and was convinced the product was good. I always try to get a second opinion and i stumbled across your article. Im glad i read it first. sad people try to get peoples money.
i saved the hassle of getting my money back. Tks for insight
This does not work, ive been taking it for 2 months and absolutely no effects on my sugar level's at all, plus you cant contact them, its all a SCAM so goodbye $100 dollars on nothing but SNAKE OIL
Thank you for the info. I am always leery of any of these advertisements that comes out of nowhere on our phones and computers. My husband watched the advertisement and took an interested in Sugar Balance, not for any health reason, just to stay healthy. I told him not to order anything until I checked it out…which is what I did and came across your site. Thank you so much for all of the information, we will not be purchasing Sugar Balance…I am going to keep your site on my computer for any other info I might be looking for….again THANK YOU!!!!!
Thank you for the insight regarding Sugar Balance. My daughter in law practices naturopathic medicine and after listening to the Sugar Balance presentation (which I thought was quite compelling regarding a fatty liver being a causal factor of type II diabetes) and reading your review and others, I think I will pursue with her alternatives for reducing my blood sugar (currently at 128).
I am a licensed physician with nothing to sell. The main cause of DM Type II is insulin resistance; heredity is also a factor. Fatty liver is a different problem caused by hepatic toxins like alcohol, certain drugs (esp. acetaminophen), and others.
Kyle – Like so many other readers on this post, I am most thankful for your honest and fair review. And like so many other readers have asked you in their posts, do you recommend any natural supplement that actual has been proven to help Type-2 diabetes?
Thank you again.
I am a botanist and am familiar with the plants (weeds) that he is using for Sugar balance. At least in his commercial he could learn to pronounce them correctly. Many of these plants grow in the vacant lots of Americas cities.
Agent Kyle is a pen name?
Well, my name is Kyle.
Thanks for your review of Sugar balance. I bought this product 3+ years ago. I'm in New Zealand so it took about a month to arrived, worst because when it finally arrives I noted that they sent me (3bottles) all already expire.
But, I still took it (follow instructions). I was hoping it will work, but after the fist 2 weeks, there was no signs despite my being careful Eat only vegetables, no carbs no meet etc. Also exercising one hour daily. So I had to stop for fear it might backfire on me since it expires. The two other bottles are still here. I'd sent them emails after email explaining what happens and request a refund but no response so I just gave up.
Recently, I saw their promotions again, And was tempting to request them to send some fresh product to replace the expired ones, but then lack of communication on their part, just makes me fed up. Thanks for your review anyway.
What are the Better Options you Mentioned for Treating Type II ??
I tried to order this product. In order to process it kept "recommending " other products. By the time I got to the actual check out it was almost $100.00
I called the customer service number . And wound up having to shout at the " c. S. Agent . She kept insisting I had ordered the other 3 items. Then I could get a 75% rebate ,blah ,blah ,blah . I asked her point blank if this was a scam. Hah. No answer. I told her to cancel the whole order and I wanted a written confirmation. If I don't get it do you have any other resource?
Thank you. D. H.
Is a Dr. William Clapton a legitimate Dr. of endocrinology? He claims to have written 32 scientific books and 3 times as many scientific publications about diabetes and treatments.
He also claims metformin is a straight path to illness and ultimately death. Is there and validity to this claim?