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  • Moringa for Blood Sugar – Does This Super-food Actually Help?

Moringa for Blood Sugar – Does This Super-food Actually Help?

May 30, 2018

Moringa for Blood SugarMoringa is a superfood that has been consumed for thousands of years for its many health benefits. It is used to treat everything from minor skin conditions to extreme health problems such as cancer, in which as shown to be at least somewhat effective as a treatment.

It is no surprise that people are taking moringa for blood sugar. This is just one of the many uses that I have read about, in which it seems it very well could be effective.

Throughout my research on this topic I was able to find a good bit of information coming from both scientific studies in which moringa’s blood sugar leveling capabilities have been measured and from posts written online by diabetics who swear that taking moringa has helped greatly.

The Proof That It Works

There is proof that taking moringa can reduce blood sugar levels, but there is still more research that needs to be done this particular area. Most of the studies performed to date have been done on other animals, such as rats. There have been a few studies done on humans but there is still a lack of.

Human Studies

One study that was performed on a group of woman showed a “significant” decrease in blood sugar levels. The purpose of the study was to see if there were any observable changes in oxidative stress when supplementing moringa along with another herb. They were not primarily focused on testing its effects on blood sugar, but did measure blood sugar levels.

After supplementing 7 g of moringa leaf powder for three months blood sugar levels dropped by up to 13.5%.

A drop of 13.5% over three months just from supplementing 7 g a day is pretty darn good if you ask me. However, another study which I think I should bring to your attention shows otherwise. In a separate study performed on patients with type II diabetes, there were no significant changes in blood sugar. However, in the study moringa was only administered for four weeks and even the researchers acknowledged that this is likely not enough time to allow for significant changes.

Other Studies 

Studies performed on rats shipment much better results, but this is likely because more studies done this way and in the studies more moringa has been administered per weight.

To give you an example: One study, which I actually mentioned in my post about moringa and diabetes, tested the effects of moringa on rats that were severely diabetic and mildly diabetic. After just three weeks the severely diabetic rats showed a decrease in blood sugar levels by almost 70% in the mildly diabetic rats showed a decrease of about 30%, both very significant. However like I said, these rats were given much higher doses considering their small size than the humans were. The blood sugar levels were also measured during a fasted state, which could also have an effect.

The general consensus of scientists is it that moringa does indeed have the ability to affect blood sugar and positive ways. Even the researchers from the study that I mentioned above, which failed to back up this claim, made it clear that their study was not set up in the best of manners and that this could very well be the cause of less than significant results.

What Is It About Moringa That May Lower Blood Sugar?

Much of moringa’s ability to lower blood sugar likely comes from its antioxidant content. Moringa is well known for being jammed packed with antioxidants which have been shown to provide a number of health benefits, including treating diabetes.

Antioxidants fight against oxidative stress. Highly reactive molecules called free radicals form from oxidation and they wreak havoc within the body. Free radicals go about damaging everything from the skin to the pancreas and are a big cause of early aging. According to TheDiabetesCouncil.com, in people with diabetes, blood sugar is heavily oxidized as well as proteins and lipids.

The body of course has natural antioxidants that are used to combat oxidative stress, but supplementation of a superfood like moringa that a good amount of antioxidants that you probably wouldn’t otherwise get is hopeful.

It has also been found that there is a protein isolate contained in moringa that can reduce blood sugar levels. A study was performed in which this specific protein isolate was administered to mice and this addition to their diet caused significant decreases in blood sugar.

Is It Worth Trying?

If you’re looking for a natural remedy for getting your blood sugar levels to a healthy point then I do see moringa as being worth a try at the very least. Thid superfood has been consumed for thousands of years and has many medicinal uses, long before modern science came along to prove that many of the claimed benefits really do exist. People were taking it because they saw and felt the results they were getting, although they could not really prove them on a factual basis at the time… which science has evolved to now be able to do.

Sure… It would be nice if there were more studies done on the effects of moringa on humans’ blood glucose levels, there is at least enough scientific evidence to show that it more than likely does have some effect.

And besides lowering blood sugar levels, moringa has many other health benefits that you will get from taking it. Moringa will help improve skin health, boost your immune system, as I mentioned at the beginning it can help fight against cancer, it has tons of vitamins and minerals, and so on.

Agent Kyle

Kyle is the founder and chief editor at HealthBuster.org. He takes pride in providing truthful product reviews to warn the public of potential waste of money products and scams.

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