Is Blood Pressure Protocol a scam by David Riley?
The Blood Pressure Protocol is supposedly based on some “groundbreaking discovery” and can lower anyone’s blood pressure in a matter of weeks, all naturally of course. But is this actually true? Well this 100% natural treatment actually work or is this all just a bunch of hype?
The truth is that the claims made are very misleading and/or not true. There are a lot of lies told about this protocol they give people the idea it is some miracle worker, when in reality is not. While you definitely could see decreases in blood pressure from following this protocol, it simply is not as amazing as it is said to be and in this review I’ll be exposing it for what it really is.
Blood Pressure Protocol Review
- Official Website: Click Here
I’m guessing that you watch the video presentation, or maybe part of the video presentation, and were suspicious of the claims made about this protocol. And rightly so… It sounds way too good to be true and just not realistic.
David Riley starts off by saying he is going to reveal the natural secrets he and covered to lowering high blood pressure in the next couple seconds, but then proceeds to talk for in agonizing 40 minutes… Ridiculous.
But anyways… The Blood Pressure Protocol is supposedly based on “secrets” of a tribe from the Amazonian rainforest and according to its creator, David Riley, it can cure any case of high blood pressure in a matter of weeks. He says that whether young or old, whether on medication or not, whether you have been suffering from high BP for years… It works for everyone.
This “David Riley” guy and see pictured below, but I’m sure you already saw him if you came across the video presentation. The reason I put his name in quotation marks is because I’m hesitant to believe that this is actually his real name, as I will go over more in a bit.
But anyways… The story goes that there is some small isolated tribe in the Amazonian rain forest that held the key to lowering blood pressure. David Riley had a high blood pressure reading of 210/140 which eventually led to him collapsing at his kid’s birthday party. After that day he was placed on a number of different medications, all of which had bad side effects and did not fix the problem. And then of course things got worse… He had a stroke and after that set out on a mission to find a real and natural cure to high BP.
Apparently he came across some old dusty book in a library that talked about some study performed on the Yanamamo Indians of Brazil, who had no cases of hypertension, all due to their secret diet. David claims the was able to dig up some hidden information on this study to find the truth on how they are actually able to live a hypertension-free life.
Of course this information is available to the public because of the “greedy” pharmaceutical companies trying to stop this information from leaking out.
Lots of Red Flags
You are right to be suspicious of this protocol… It is full of red flags, some of which I will point out below.
#1 – Lots of Claims With No Proof
He tells you that this protocol has helped over 24,000 people lower their blood pressure within a matter of weeks, but if this is true why is there no proof of it? You would think people would be posting comments all over the place online ranting and raving about how great this protocol is. But they aren’t doing this.
#2 – Fake Testimonials
A major red flag that I came across was the fake testimonials that are presented in the video presentation.
Maybe you remember this “Brian Murtaugh” guy that was shown, who David said was on meds for years and still had a TIA stroke. But of course after trying this protocol his blood pressure was returned to very healthy levels within three weeks. Unfortunately… This is all a lie. I ran a reverse Google image search and found that the same exact picture is used elsewhere online, which likely means that it is a stock photo that anyone can purchase…
Another example is this “Katherine Ewig” lady who was supposedly having all sorts of problems due to her high BP. I did the same thing here… Ran a reverse Google image search and found that this same image is indeed a stock photo. These people are not who David Riley is saying they are and their stories are likely completely fabricated.

#3 – Typical “Big Bad Pharma” Approach
A lot of the health related scams that I review take this “big bad Pharma” approach. David Riley claims that this information is not mainstream because the research was covered up by the big pharmaceutical companies who cut funding on the research.
Of course there also trying to shut down his website to keep the information from leaking, so he tells you you have to buy this right away if you still want it.
None of this is true however, or at least I highly doubt it. I have heard the same sales page 1000 times before and is getting old. Some other recent, very scammy, health products that I reviewed which say the same darn thing include Regrow Hair Protocol and Medicine Man Hearing Remedy.
#4 – “David Riley”
I I hesitant to believe that David Riley is even a real person because I have seen many other scams promoted by a fake spokesperson. This guy is more than likely a paid actor that has been hired. His entire background story is probably a lie and so is his name.
Now of course I don’t have any proof that he is a complete fake, but I also don’t have any proof that he is a real person. There is no information given in the video presentation that I was able to verify, and this was probably done on purpose.
The Truth… What You Need To Know
It might be hard to believe after reading all that I wrote above, but there is some truth to what you are told… It is not completely 100% BS.
I was able to find information on the INTERSALT Yanomamo indians study and how they amazingly didn’t have nearly the hypertension of most other people of the world. However, unlike what David Riley tells you, their low BP is much attributed to their very low sodium intake. This tribe has been consuming diets of extremely low sodium for thousands of years and according to my research, their high levels of aldosterone and renin would probably be a common occurrence in mankind before salt became commonplace in our diets.
And according to this research article, it seems to be mostly linked to no salt intake. That said, their high protein, fruit and vegetable diet would also help contribute to their very healthy BP levels.
So pretty much it all comes down to them eating no salt and lots of proteins, fruits and vegetables.
In the video presentation he also mentions a “little-known” enzyme called Coenzyme Q10. This enzyme certainly is not “little-known” but it does have an effect on blood pressure as you are told. It has been shown to lower systolic BP and is found in pork, beef, chicken, fatty fish, spinach, oranges, strawberries, peanuts, soybeans, etc.
What You Get
What you are getting if you buy Blood Pressure Protocol is he an e-book that was put together by this “David Riley” character, supposedly. Basically he took all of the research findings and made them into a protocol for lowering BP.
He says that all of the foods given in the protocol to prevent high BP are consumed by the Yanomomo Indians, but who knows if there’s any truth to this or not.
In addition to the protocol you will also get a book of meal recipes for lowering BP as well as a book for smoothie recipes.
What To Expect If You Try This Protocol
One thing you should definitely not expect is quick and amazing results. You are led to believe that this can miraculously cure anyone’s high blood pressure in a matter of a couple weeks, when in reality this is not going to be the case.
Much of what you are told doesn’t even really make much sense. For example, Coenzyme Q10, which is supposedly behind much of this protocol’s ability to lower BP, has been shown to take 4 to 12 weeks to show any positive results, according to an article by Penn State Hershey Medical Center.
Conclusion – Scam?
Blood Pressure Protocol is kind-of a scam, but I guess this depends on what you consider a scam or not. While you definitely could see positive effects by following this protocol, it is marketed in a very deceptive manner and there are a lot of lies told. Basically what is going on here is they are suckering people in by claiming that this is going to work miracles, when in reality it will not.
High blood pressure is definitely something that a good diet can fix, so there is no reason that you shouldn’t be able to see results with this protocol. It is just not the miracle worker that is said to be.
I’m not going to promote this product in tell you to go out and buy, but I also am not going to tell you to stay clear of it. The decision is yours. Just know that there is plenty of free information out there for lowering your blood pressure naturally. The only good thing about this protocol is that it provides a bunch of information in an easy to follow e-book. So if you do want to purchase Blood Pressure Protocol you can do so through the official website here.
I hope you enjoyed my review and found it helpful. Please share this post to help spread the truth! Also, leave any questions or comments down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can 🙂
There seems to be far more “snake oil salesman” now than ever before. All having the magic cure to every disease known to man. Why are we so gullible? Big Pharma is using our fears to pick our pockets with hugely overpriced drugs that have more side effects than cures. If everyone Googled each “magic cure” first, they could not only save a lot of money, but help to eliminate some of these scam artists.