Is iGenics a Scam Supplement? – What You Should Know

iGenics is a vision support supplement that is promoted as being some amazing natural remedy, but is it really as good as we are told?

The answer is no.

Is iGenics a scam? I wouldn't go as far as to say that, but in this review I'll be going over why what this supplement is, the ingredients it has, why it won't work as well as we are told, some concerns I have, and more...

iGenix Review

  • Product: iGenix
  • Type: Eye health supplement
  • Manufacturer: ScienceGenics
  • Price: $69/bottle with discounts if you purchase more than 1
  • Recommended?: Not really
  • Where to Buy: Click Here

iGenics is an eye health (vision support) supplement produced by ScienceGenics, which is a very small company with limited information on them (as I'll go over). It is a 100% natural supplement that is said to be able to cure just about any negative eye condition, such as glaucoma, cataracts, AMD and more.

As you will see in this review, this supplement is a bit disappointing. Although it has some ability to help treat eye problems and help with vision, it is not going to be the cure-all it is promoted as.

To begin this review, let's first go over some of the ridiculous sales pitch...

The Sales Pitch

There are a couple variations of the sales pitch going around. One of which I came across was a video presentation...


... and another was a written text version...


*Note: The sales pitch I'm talking about here comes from the written text version.

Supposedly this supplement was created by a guy named Dr. Charles Williams who claims to have served in the military, but there is no information provided for me to be able to prove his existence and he could very well be made-up. It certainly wouldn't be the first time I've reviewed a product promoted under a fake name. For example I recently reviewed a product called Lean Body Hacks that was said to be created by a guy named Randy Smith, who turned out to be a fake.

The religious approach

He claims that the secret to good vision comes from the "tree of life" talked about in the Bible, and that this plant is a "true Godsend".

This is a common sales approach I've noticed when it comes to natural supplements like this, but often nothing more than that--just a sales approach to get people to buy.

It's all about oxidation and inflammation

Dr. Charles Williams claims it's all about oxidation and inflammation, and that is is the reason for cataracts, glaucoma, AMD and other eye problems.

While there are definitely other causes of eye issues, oxidation is without a large cause. But how can we possibly stop oxidation? Well... he acts as if his amazing new discover of 9 herbs will do the trick.

Inflammation is also a big problem that he claims his concoction of herbs will take care of.

Ridiculous claims..

He talks about how DNA replication and how every cell in our eyes is replicated within 7 days--and acts as if we should have a brand new set of eyes every week!...


Well if this were the case then there would be no such thing as aging and we would all live forever!

Every cell in the body replicates but the reality is far from what he leads us to believe. Aging is a part of life.

He acts as if God has put these plants on Earth to make us immortal or something. 

So anyways... the sales pitch is obviously a bit on the ridiculous side and over-the-top, which is probably what led you to think this might be a scam and to do a little extra research, but whether or not this will actually work depends on the ingredients... so let's take a look...

Ingredients - Will They Work?

igenics ingredients
1 & 2: Lutein and Zeaxanthin

These ingredients have become very popular for eye health, and it's no wonder since they are 2 very important antioxidants that are found directly in the eyes.

In fact, they are the only carotenoid antioxidants found in the eyes that can be supplemented through diet.

As far as research goes, they have been shown to potentially help treat everything from AMD, to cataracts, to retinopathy and more (source: healthline).

The eyes are delicate and these can help stop the free-radicals causing havoc--in addition to being beneficial for your skin and in other areas.

3: Bilberry Extract

It seems that many of the natural eye supplements have this ingredient, even though the science supporting it's ability to improve eyesight is severely lacking and inconclusive.

They talk about how WWI fighter pilots ate bilberry jam and had better vision because of it, which is something that hasn't been proven and has been used to market other somewhat shady eye-health supplements as well, such as Eagle Eye 911.


That said, what is known is that bilberry is a good source of antioxidants that could help with pretty much everything from eyesight to wrinkles.

It is a very rich source of anthocyanins which give it the dark blue/black color it has as well as it's powerful antioxidant profile.

4: Vitamin C

We all know vitamin C is good for the immune system and keeping colds/sickness away, but it's also great for eye health, which you could say is somewhat dependent on immune health (as with the health of any part of the body).

Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness and this vitamin has been shown to slow its progression. 

Additionally, vitamin C was shown to protect against cataracts in a long 10-year study--and it is suggested that vitamin C intake may play a larger role in cataract development than bad genetics.

5: Ginko Biloba

The name sounds pretty interesting and rightly so. This plant is native to China and surrounding areas where it has been used as a traditional medicine for hundreds of years.

Like many traditional medicines, modern science is finally starting to catch up with them and back some of the claims of healing powers that have been around for ages.

Extracts of this plant are largely comprised of flavonoids and terpenoids, which have been more closesly looked at in recent studies for their ability to potentially treat eye conditions such as glaucoma.

Ginko biloba is shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects as well as rheological effects, which can help to increase blood flow in the retinal vein of the eye (source: 2012 article in Molecular Vision).

While there is a lot of unknowns as far as how effective ginko actually is, it looks promising.

6: Zinc

Zinc is what is sometimes called a "helper molecule" because it helps bring vitamin A to the retina of the eye, which is then used to produce melanin and protect the eye.

Bad vision, poor night vision, cataracts... these have all been linked to a deficiency in zinc and unfortunately this can be pretty common.

Nations like the US have some of the lowest rates, but it is still estimated by some researchers that about 12% of people may be deficient, and higher amounts for elderly people--a global estimate from a study in PLoS One states that globally the deficiency may be around 17.3%.

7: Copper

Copper has some good antioxidant properties as well and is often recommended to be combined with zinc, partly because taking zinc can actually lead to copper deficiency--so it's a good idea to supplement extra.

Another notable benefit includes its ability to encourage connective tissue growth.

8 & 9: Vitamin A & E

Vitamin A and vitamin E are both powerful antioxidants.

Researchers believe that vitamin E intake is important for protecting your eyes and it may help prevent cataracts.

We've all heard how carrots are good for our eyes, and this is largely because of the vitamin A content (well actually their beta-carotene content, which is converted into vitamin A in the body). This vitamin helps keep the eye lubricated and is important for good night vision.

Will These Ingredients Actually Help?

All of these ingredients are great and have 'potential' (as I keep saying), but here are some reasons they might not be as great as they seem and why many are likely to cause no effects...

  • Bilberries are close cousins to blueberries... and many of us probably are already eating such.
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin are found in eggs and green leafy vegetables, which we are already getting to some extent. In fact, many people out there who eat healthy are already getting plenty. This supplement supplies 10mg of both lutein and zeaxanthin per serving and as you can see there are a good number of foods here that contain a lot, which you might be eating right now.

Source: USDA

So if you are already a big eater of green leafy veggies, this extra dose of lutein and zeaxanthin isn't going to do anything for you, because your body can only take in and use so much of it anyhow.

  • Vitamin C is great for eye health. I couldn't find any really recent studies, but a study published in 2005 found that about 31% of Americans are deficient in this vitamin (source: This would mean that the extra 500mg dose that a serving of iGenics provides would be beneficial. That said, vitamin C is very easy to get naturally and if you consider yourself a healthy eater who eats fruits and vegetables (many are abundant in vitamin C) you likely don't have to worry about a deficiency.
  • Vitamin A deficiency is very common in developing countries, and can lead to eye problems including blindness, but in countries like the US it's not nearly as common.
  • Vitamin E deficiency is even more rare and isn't likely to be caused by inadequate intake but rather a metabolism or fat absorption problem. 
  • Ginko biloba is one of those old traditional medicines that has had some scientific backing in recent years, but at the same time there have been studies showing it to be ineffective for various eye treatments. The results are far from being conclusive that this is a good eye support supplement.

This definitely has potential to help. Every ingredient included here has some amount of scientific backing and research in one way or another and can potentially help to improve eye health and vision.

I don't want to be too hard on it, but the fact of the matter is that it is not going to be a miracle worker and fix everyone's vision like they make it seem in the promotional material.


As it usually goes with supplements of this kind, they really push you to purchase a bunch of bottles by giving a massive "discount" if you do.

The price starts out at $69 per bottle and then decreases the more you buy, as follows:

  • $69 for 1 bottle
  • $59/bottle if you buy 3 bottles
  • $49/bottle if you buy 6 bottles

How can they possibly discount the price $20 from $69/bottle to $49/bottle if you buy 6? ​

Well, I think its pretty obvious that this supplement is massively overpriced to begin with.

Money Back Guarantee

They do offer a 180 day money back guarantee, which they claim you can get by simply emailing them if you are not satisfied--you don't even have to return the product!


Sounds great and all but I'm hesitant to believe this is as good as it seems.

It sounds a bit fishy and like an absolutely horrible business decision, especially because a lot of people are going to disappointed that iGenics doesn't perform miracles like you are led to believe.

I've seen claims like this many times before that aren't entirely true--sometimes the company makes the customer jump through a bunch of hoops that make it nearly impossible to get a refund.

But anyhow, the contact information they provide if you do want to try to get a refund is:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 855-210-1826

*On the website they also list another email ( that may be helpful when trying to get in contact with them.


Lack of Company Information

The company behind the iGenics supplement is a very small company called ScienceGenics, which there is very limited information on.

Their address is listed at:

4804 NW Bethany Blvd. Suite i2-110
Portland, OR 97229

... however, upon further research it appears that this is the same exact address of a company called Kesa LLC, which is a beauty supply company.


Could it be that ScienceGenics is owned by this company? Who knows... there is such limited information.

Ingredient Quality

Going along with there being very little information on this company is the concern about ingredient quality.

Can you trust the quality of the ingredients they have?

I don't know about you, but when it comes to supplements like this that you have to ingest I like to be able to trust what I'm ingesting.

Also, the quality of ingredients can make a huge difference.

Bad Marketing Tactics

The fact that their marketing tactics are deceptive, misleading, and... well... unethical, should be a bit concerning too.

This is something else that leads me to believe this company might not be all that trustworthy.

Is iGenics a Scam?

The answer to this question largely depends on what your definition of a scam is.

If the product does contain good quality ingredients (as I guess I have to assume it does because I don't have proof otherwise) then I wouldn't consider it a scam... at least not a complete scam.

However, if you consider something that is a marketed in a misleading manner a scam, then you could possibly consider this such.

Pros v Cons


  • Ingredients are proven to work (to some extent more or less)
  • 180 day money back guarantee


  • Misleading promotions
  • Many people likely won't notice any difference (if you are a 'healthy eater' you probably get adequate amounts of most the ingredients)
  • Lack of company information
  • Pretty high price
  • Questionable ingredient quality

Conclusion - Worth Trying or Not?

In my opinion there are many more cons than pros here, but it still could possibly be worth the purchase.

Lutein & zeaxanthin, ginko biloba, bilberry extract, etc... these can all potentially help, largely due to their high amounts of antioxidants. Just don't expect too much.

I'm not going to be personally recommending iGenics due to the many reasons disused above, but if you do want to give it a try you can order iGenics on the official website here.

I hope you enjoyed this review and found it helpful. Please share this post to help spread the truth. Also, be sure to leave your comments and questions down below. I like to hear back from my readers 🙂

15 thoughts on “Is iGenics a Scam Supplement? – What You Should Know”

  1. Kyle, I read your review on Igenics and it helped me decide to not buy it. Your review was very informative. Thanks for the info.

  2. If these pill pushers would tell you in the beging, that if you are on medication, to ask your dr. before taking them, I would not buy them !!! I take 4 different medications a day, plus eye drops..

  3. I am 72 yo and have been blind in my left eye since I was 2, my right eye has served me well for 70 years but is starting to develop issues, many eye doctors won’t operate on that eye due to responsibility if anything went wrong, so obviously, anything that that would help me without surgery is something that would be a Godsend. iGenics caught my eye (no pun intended) and I was about ready to order, until I read your very real and informative article, I’m disappointed, but very thankful for your insite, you saved me big bucks

    • I was thinking about getting these for my mother who has macular degeneration. I definitely would advise taking a good eye supplement but from a reputable manufacturer.because I know that they are helpful at least from my own and my family’s experience. It’s always gradual, but when you quit, you definitely notice a difference! Some of the brands I personally like are Life Extension, Christophers, NutraBio, Garden of Life, Codeage, Herbs etc. and DoTerra (although that’s a MLM company & their prices tend to be on the higher side because of that)…
      But, always talk with your doctor and do your own research. Best of luck to you! Sending wellness and good vision wishes your way 🙏

  4. A really fine thorough review of the product. They get a lot of customers by buying ads on You Tube. If you click on their link on You Tube and the intro goes on and on and on , without telling you what the product is , you know it will be expensive. They know you are desperate. They list 15 references and the first is a legitimate research paper on how certain vitamins and minerals are good for the eyes but specifically list only macular degeneration. Here is the kicker: all the other 14 references are to the same article, just 14 duplications! “Dr. Charles Williams” speaks in a rich, clear voice; no doubt a pro voice actor. Even if they sell a few thousand bottles they probably make a good profit. The WWII pilots and billberry stuff is crap. Constantly cited; 75 years in the past. No study since.

  5. Kyle,
    Thank you for your information! It was enlightening. More about your research failures than quality. I love the implications indicating that iGenics (ScienceGenics) is located in the same address as a beauty supply. There are more that 60 businesses in Oregon at the same address. All I did was Google them and they are located in Texas. I ask what is your agenda?
    Since I wasn't able to past a picture, here is there website contact information: https:undefinedundefinedsciencegenics.comundefinedcontact-us.php

  6. I don't know when I will learn not take so much time reading these articles promising a miracle cure. I always try to fine real reviews, which is often difficult to find.

    This was a very helpful article and I'm sure saved me and others from falling far what I wanted to believe.

  7. thank you for this good review
    they also claim in the advertisement that they use Saffron, but they do not
    it is – yet again – a repeat of high prices and fear tactic
    I am so tired of it
    " They want to shut us down"
    this is a secret ingredient , bla bla bla
    we hear this constantly
    there is not one ingredient in here you cannot find on hte open market, organic , in hight dosage , reasonable price
    again, fear mongering, deceptive

  8. Thanks for the info. There.seems to be looking msg drawn out videos just about everywhere now a days and they all come with some kind of promotional pricing scheme. And good vision being a very important concern for all we need to be able to see reports like this.

  9. Thank you for the helpful research you did on this eye supplement. I’ve been misled by several supplement hypes. I need to Remember “If it’s too good to be true, it isn’t”!”

  10. Thank you for your review only problem is have already purchased it. Will more than likely will send it back in about a month or so. Great review Lee


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