If you suffer from tinnitus and are looking for treatment you have to be careful with what you buy into. Tinnitus cure scams are running rampant online and, although I am doing my best to expose the scams and warn people, unfortunately a lot of people end up wasting their money.
There seems to be a lot of scams in this particular market. It is probably because it is easiest for scammers to prey upon desperate people. Tinnitus can be one heck of a condition to deal with and many people are willing to try just about anything to get rid of it, and I completely understand that.
In this short article I want to help you avoid the scams. I'll be going over different types of tinnitus scams I have come across, warning signs that you can look for, tips to avoid these types of scams and more.
But first let's talk a little bit about what exactly tinnitus is in the first place…
What Is Tinnitus?
In most cases tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears. This means that the noise doesn't actually exist, but your body is for some reason perceiving that there is a noise, which is usually ringing, buzzing, hissing, humming, etc.
You might be surprised to hear that tinnitus affects about 15-20% of people, according to MayoClinic. Now that is a heck of a lot of people, but the majority have very mild cases and it really doesn't bother that much.
Since you are looking for treatment then your case is probably to the point where it is hard to deal with.
Types of Tinnitus:
There are 2 types of tinnitus that exist, subjective and objective.
Subjective tinnitus is caused by problems in part of the ear or sometimes with the auditory nerves, or even sometimes by the brain and how it interprets signals of sound.
Objective tinnitus has to do with problems in the blood vessels, and this type doctors can actually hear when performing an examination and listening carefully.
So on the one hand you have tinnitus where you hear sounds that don't actually exist, and on the other hand you have tinnitus where there actually is a sound and the problem comes from the blood flow.
The Problem:
The problem with tinnitus, for one, is that it is not very well understood and because of that there aren't any treatments out there that are as effective as we would like to see and that are going to work for everyone.
While it can be treated to some extent, and some people respond much better than others to treatment, it is somewhat of a hit or miss. As I said, it is not very well understood and the fact that there can be many causes makes it more difficult to treat.
Types of Scams
Most of the "scammy" tinnitus cures I have come across have been natural cures.
Mostly they consist of supplements, but I've also came across some "protocols", published as e-books, that basically tell you what food to buy in order to cure your tinnitus.
Some of the different "scammy" supplements that I've reviewed on my site here include things like…
And some of the "protocols" that you may or may not have heard of include…
Usually these types of natural cure scams are promoted as being the greatest things ever, usually as some "hidden secret" or something along those lines.
Much of the time they try to scare you into purchasing their product, such as by talking about all of the nasty side effects that prescription medications can have.
Warning Signs to Look Out For
1. The "Cure All" Approach
A lot of these scams are promoted as "cure all" products. But, since there are many causes of tinnitus, how can one supplement or protocol be the cure to everything?
Now I will say that many of the supplements out there have a wide range of herbs. They are basically a big concoction of herbs that can potentially attack tinnitus from multiple angles, but generally speaking you are not going to find a single treatment that works for everyone.
So if it sounds a little bit too good to be true, and sounds like it can cure the problem for anyone, proceed with caution.
2. The Unbelievable Background Story
A lot of these tinnitus cure products are promoted with crazy background stories. Many of them feature video presentations where the spokesperson will talk about how they "nearly died" due to their tinnitus, and then went on a lifelong mission to finding a cure.
If the story sounds absolutely ridiculous, maybe is completely made up. A lot of times it is hard to prove such stories false, but I have noticed that they are often used to market scammy products.
3. The "Ancient Secret"
Have you come across a cure that is some "ancient secret" or maybe some "hidden secret" that has just been unearthed for the first time in centuries? Yeah… That is probably just another lie.
A lot these "secret" tinnitus curing formula supplements that I have come across have supposedly been found in some remote part of the world, or maybe in some ancient text. But usually it seems that this type of sales pitch is just another lie to get people to buy in.
4. The "Big Pharma Is Trying to Stop This" Approach
There are also many products being marketed in a way that paints "big Pharma" to be the bad guys. Often times you hear that "the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to know this" and "they might put an end to this at any minute".
They also often make it seem like the pharmaceutical industry is trying to cover up all of the truthful information because they don't want your problem to you away, so that they can keep making money off of you.
However, claims like this are often completely un-backed and unproven. This is a typical fear mongering sales approach to scare you into buying the product as fast as possible.
*And by the way, I am not a big fan of the pharmaceutical industry and make huge fan of natural health alternatives. But unfortunately many of these "natural cures" are scams.
5. The Huge Price Discount
When you come across a potential scam also take notice of the prices. Many of the scammy products I have reviewed act as if there is some huge discount going on.
As an example, they will say you can get 1 bottle for $69 or get 5 bottles for $39 a piece, which would be $195 total.
Now of course buying them in bulk, buying the more expensive 5 bottle deal, gets you the lower price, but is also a heck of a lot more money to spend.
And you may ask yourself… How is this even possible? How can they give such a massive discount? Well… The answer is pretty simple… The product was massively overpriced to begin with.
Tips to Avoid These Nasty Scams
Now all of those "warning signs" that I just talked about above do not necessarily mean that something is a scam. They are just "signs" that should alert you to proceed with caution, because something could very well could be a scam.
They are red flags I have picked up on having reviewed many such scams over the years.
Just be careful and ALWAYS DO YOUR RESEARCH.
Some of the sales pitches can be incredibly convincing and you may want to go out and purchase whatever it is right away, but always take the time to do a little bit of extra research on your own.
Do a Google search. See what others have to say about the product.
But you also have to be careful with this. You cannot trust every review out there that you find on Google. Based on my experience, there are many more fake reviews than real ones. The fake reviews are written of course because they want to promote the product and make money.
Sometimes They Can Help... a Little..
Now something else that you should be aware of is that many of these "scammy" cures that I'm talking about are not complete scams.
They often consist of a concoction of natural ingredients that can potentially treat symptoms of tinnitus. HOWEVER, the main problem with them is that they are marketed in very misleading ways and lead people to believe that they are going to miraculously cure them, and of course they are also usually overpriced.
Now if they were marketed in an honest way that did not give people false hope, and if they were priced appropriately, I would probably have no problem with them.
So what you should take away from all of this is that there are lots of scammy products out there that have some potential to help but are not nearly as great as they may seem. So just be careful and know what to look out for so that you can avoid these sorts of products.
Take care and be sure to leave any comments or questions down below. I'll get back to you as soon as I can 🙂
Watch out for Quietumplus, developed by a so named Patrick Bark – in the almost too good to be true category for tinnitus cure. Very glossy presentation with convincing testimonials and very bogus
That presentation by 'Richard Bart' is certainly over padded – sounds unreal. It is very unlikely that anyone would have so many symptoms from a disease and then just by chance stumble on the 'miracle cure.' I really believe that it is nothing but A BIG LIE!!!
Sorry, the presenter in my reply is Patrick NOT Richard.
Thank you ….any information is great ……so tired of all the scams floating
around , Don't trust anyone anymore .
THanks for your reearch…probably saved me the 69 marked down to 49 x 6 so about 300.00. Are there any actual supplements tat help
Why should we believe youundefined you could be a scammer ? go on please answer. as my femail partner suffers with Tinitus
I have a bad case of tinnitus and have tried just about everything, would a Cochlear Implant work ?
Is Silencil a scam? – it sounds promising and "too good to be true"
Can you tell me if you have looked into tinnitol ?
Have you looked into the supplement tinnitol? I'm not very good at navigating sites on the internet. from what I was able to see it looks like it may be helpful.
I have had tinnitus for 30 years. It has progressed slightly over time. I have looked at the various pills offered over the years and tried a few. None of them worked. There seems to have been no progress in finding a cure for t;innitus. I have even purchased hearing aids to mask the hissing in my ears to the tune of $6900. They seem to help a little. I have even asked the Tinnitus Society to let me know of any progress and have had no response. The pill sellers all have the same formula in their presentations – pharmaceuticals, exotic plants right formulas, limited supplies, exorbitant discounts, etc. In my research over the years it seems that there has been no, nada, ZERO help for people who have tinnitus.